I found the platform empty save for a colony of sturdy little newsboys, whose stalwart determination to live filled me with admiration, which I was enjoying until a curious sibillation beneath the bookstall stirred me with panic.
During these days I never quitted Uxbridge Road Station, for just as I was preparing to leave, my eye caught the title on the bookstall of Grant Allen's work, The Idea of Evolution!
A day or two ago I picked up on a railway bookstall a copy of Messrs.
But let me make the point clear; for it is the crucial point in the discussion of the modern Bookstall Censorship.
It justified her in buying a copy of Frou-Frou, which lay upon the bookstall at Bentbridge railway station, and in studying it continuously all the way from Bentbridge to London.
At the bookstall upon the platform Drake bought a copy of the Times, and whilst taking his change he was attracted by a grayish-green volume prominently displayed upon the white newspapers.
A certain young man of the working class, on his way to work every day, used to pass a bookstall situated in a narrow alley.
An early visit to the bookstall followed, but the little volume had gone; and it was not comforting to learn that it had been sold shortly after our bookman saw it, to a man who 'knew a lot about that kind of books.
Suppose you go to the bookstall and see if you can find out any of our young friends.
As soon as the gate was opened, Paul went through mechanically with the others on to the platform, and waited at the bookstallwhile they changed the paper.
We shall have to go back and get the fellow at the bookstall to change it, I suppose.
His recollections start from the early 'sixties, when, as a boy, he got a situation as bookstall clerk, from which position he rose to be bookstall manager in various parts of the country.
It would seem that I am one of those travellers for whom the railway bookstall does not cater.
I relieve the bookstall of nothing but a newspaper or two.
IV She came, reluctantly so she said, to the bookstall at Charing Cross station, but only to tell him that she could not do as he wished her to do.
He felt as certain that his novel would not be published as he felt that Eleanor would not be at the bookstall at Charing Cross station when he arrived there.
II And while these bitter thoughts poured through his mind, he entered Charing Cross station, and there in front of the bookstall was Eleanor Moore.
He had to explain that Eleanor could not be seen in the day-time because of her employment, and he proposed that his mother should go with him in the evening to meet her at the bookstall at Charing Cross station.
II John had met Eleanor at their customary trysting-place, in front of the bookstall at Charing Cross Road, and they had walked along the Embankment towards Blackfriars.
Eleanor had suggested that Mrs. MacDermott should meet her at the bookstall and go to her club from which John would fetch her at ten o'clock.
He felt so certain that his novel would be published that he could almost see it stacked on the bookstall behind Eleanor.
Eleanor arrived at thebookstall almost simultaneously with themselves.
He saw her go down the steps and take her place in the queue of people purchasing tickets, and he walked across to the bookstall and stood there until she had obtained her ticket.
That novel of yours showed the most extraordinary intelligence--at least as far as that blighter at the bookstall would let me read.
We are told by Boswell further, on the authority of Mr. Hector of Birmingham, that he opened a bookstall once a week in that city, but lost money by setting up as a maker of parchment.
Nevertheless, we find him standing at a bookstall where he sees Dryden's works in three volumes, octavo, for five shillings, and of his few shillings he ventures to offer 3s.
A copy of the work (for the date of my tale is already yesterday) still figured in dusty solitude in the bookstall at Waterloo; and Gideon, as he passed with his ticket for Hampton Court, smiled contemptuously at the creature of his thoughts.
As he lingered around the well-kept bookstall before the train left, he saw a long row of Hodden's new novel, and then his heart gave a jump as he caught sight of two copies of his own work in the row labelled "New Books.
Buel said afterwards that what hurt him most in this painful incident was the fact that if it were repeated often the bookstall clerk would lose faith in the book.
The bookstall clerk had several crystal paper-weights with views of the pier, the Hotel Majestic, the Esplanade, the Happy Valley, but none with a view of the Great Orme.
In a few minutes the bookstall on the platform attracted them as inevitably as a prone horse attracts a crowd.
As Rachel passed the negligible second-hand bookstall again, it was made visible to her by the fact that Councillor Thomas Batchgrew was just emerging from the shop behind it, with a large volume in his black-gloved hands.
Strange, that the evening papers I buy at the bookstall are printed in the English language.
However, for the purpose of this essay, I did go to a bookstall and buy as many of these papers as I could see--a terrific number, a terrific burden to stagger away with.
We shall meet at the bookstall at Charing Cross railway station at one o'clock, but if anything should go wrong, send me a wire to the Club.
She had worn those accursed beads when his father had approached her by the bookstall that afternoon.
He had just bought an armful of current literature, and his business at the bookstall was evidently done, yet he lingered for an appreciable instant.
He had seemed happy too, and she thought he looked younger now than he did when she first saw him standing by the bookstall at Victoria station.
The porter disposed of the luggage—while Abigail was looking the bookstall over.
Conceive the holy joy of the bookstall clerk as she and her bag of shrimps-- yes, he could have told at once they were shrimps--approached and asked for The Morning Post.
The fascination of it struck me suddenly as 1 stood in front of a station bookstall last Monday and wondered who bought the tie-clips.
While one is young, and interested in persons rather than in things, there is only one profession to follow--the profession of bookstall clerk.
But I am wondering now what the bookstall clerk will make of me.
At the Bookstall I have often longed to be a grocer.
I shall be at the bookstall next Monday and I shall have to buy another copy.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bookstall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.