Sinker says that the Canal will be a clear case of twenty per cent, per annum for ten years at least, and that we could afford to lose a cent or two upon the Bilbo iron to make it up, over and over again.
The ambling nurse runs out and leaves the cradle, 3890 And the awed midwife flies the teeming wife; Old grandsire greybeard his tuff bilbo gets, And grandame Grissel with her distaff jets.
The villain laid his hand upon his hilt, and I should have out bilbo and sent his soul to hell had they not come between us.
The real thing--not theBilbo Grundy toy, but real physical time travel.
Some of them belonged to the crowd who opposed Bilbo Grundy's fabulous invention.
After Marge had gone to bed, I went down to the basement and smashed both our Bilbo Grundy Time Projectors into little pieces.
That was the one basic mistake that we, and everyone else, made when we discussed the Bilbo Grundy Projector.
On looking-up, Hume saw the Captain's bilbo thrusting manfully through the night air, as if it would pierce the night gnomes and spirits that love to hang over old battlements.