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Example sentences for "bidh"

Lexicographically close words:
biddings; bide; bided; bides; bideth; biding; bids; bidst; bield; bien
  1. Bha an crodh 'g an leigeadh, the cows were a-milking; bidh deudaichean 'g an rusgadh.

  2. Gif he sydhdhan aefter sunnan upgonge this dedh, he bidh mansleges scyldig and he thonne sylfa swylte, butan he nyddaeda waere.

  3. Gif ge thonne elles dodh, hi cleopiadh to me and ic gehire hi, and ic eow thonne slea mid minum sweorde and ic gedo paet eowra wif bidh wudewan and eowre bearn bydh steopcilde.

  4. Wyrceadh eow syx dagas, and on tham seofadhan restadh eow, thu and thin sunu and thine dohter and thin theowe and thine wylne and thin weorcynten and se cuma the bidh binnan thinan durum.

  5. Gif oxa ofhnite wer odhdhe wif, thaet hy deade synd, sy he mid stanum ofweorpod and ne sy his flaesc geeton and se hlaford bidh unscyldig.

  6. Se-the slea his agenne theowne esne odhdhe mennen, and he ne sy thy daeges dead, theah he libbe twa niht odhdhe threo, ne bidh he ealles swa scyldig, forthon the hit waes his agen feoh.

  7. Be dhisum is to smeagenne, hu se beo gewitnod the odherne berypdh, thonne se bidh to helle fordemed se his agen nolde for Godes lufon syllan.

  8. Laetadh aweg ealle saca, and aelc geflitt, and gehealdadh thas tid mid sibbe and mid sodhre lufe; fordhon ne bidh nan faesten Gode andfenge butan sibbe.

  9. Se dhe gelyfdh, and bidh gefullod, he bidh gehealden; and se dhe ne gelyfdh, he bidh genidherod.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bidh" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.