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Example sentences for "beruffled"

Lexicographically close words:
bersetzt; berth; berthed; berthing; berths; bery; beryed; beryllium; beryls; berys
  1. It was a hunted glance, as if she really meant to turn without speaking and pick up her beruffled skirts, and run away down the dusty stairs, but she did not run away.

  2. Suddenly quite herself, recovering by tapping some emergency reserve of strength as only ladies can, but as most of them can, even the most amateurish and beruffled of ladies, she crossed the room to him.

  3. Sleep began to steal over her the moment her head touched the pillow, in spite of the much beruffled cap which Mrs. Wilkins put on with visible pride in its stiffly crimped borders.

  4. The contrast of the plaid boy and beruffled girl's irritability with their mother's languid affectation, and her own unfortunate efforts, was too much for her.

  5. His beruffled shirts and lace stocks were marvels, and if he was an exquisite in dress all his life, it certainly was not due to after-thought.

  6. We had nights such as this near Aire, when I was young" He sat down, leaning his chin upon his beruffled hand.

  7. Down came the fiddle from his chin, the bow in his beruffled hand cut the air with a gesture of angry repudiation.

  8. Beneath the calm eyes of the warlike statue of the First American little children chase gray squirrels across the grass, and infant carriages with beruffled parasols are drawn in white and pink clusters beside the benches.

  9. On the stone steps a negro nurse was sitting, drowsily trundling back and forth before her a beruffled baby carriage.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beruffled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.