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Example sentences for "belying"

Lexicographically close words:
belted; belting; belts; beluga; bely; bem; bema; bemes; bemired; bemoan
  1. Hush," said all her limbs and features, belying the previous formal "good-evening.

  2. And so you would listen to Satan belying the saints!

  3. Tis thy favourite temptation; and thou, Mary, listen not to the enemy of man, belying God, and whispering despair.

  4. This pageant made straight for the shoemaker's shop.

  5. They are wonderfully green, belying that arid country, and the water that goes to make them green comes from the fastnesses of the wonderful Rockies, a full hundred miles away.

  6. For the deeper that some men feel a secret and poignant feeling, the higher they pile the belying surfaces.

  7. His eyes to be picket out with pinnes for his so deadly belying of them, or worse handled if worse could be deuised.

  8. And God from His lonely height, From eternity's passionless summits, On suppliant Man looked down, And His brow waxed human with pity, Belying its awful crown.

  9. She said, in belying herself and others in saying she had set her hand to the Devil's book, whereas, she said, she never did.

  10. The man in him was growing apace with the growth of a man's passion, and by the boldness of his answer belying all his recent wise resolutions, he now astonished himself even more than her.

  11. Why visions so belying the gloomy and anxious thoughts that preceded them should visit the pillow of Randal Leslie, surpasses my philosophy to conjecture.

  12. With this she beamed upon her lord, whilst artlessly belying her words by approvingly fingering her muscles.

  13. Sue, her trembling lip and lumpy throat belying her irony.

  14. He glanced at her and their eyes met, the reproach in his own belying his words.

  15. At its farthest point north, the Broadway subway, belying its name, emerges from the earth and becomes an elevated structure, rearing high above the ground.

  16. But this one could not have been told before now, because it happened after the armies had quit fighting and while the Peace Conference was busily engaged in belying its first name.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "belying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.