In vaine were the creacion of the worlde, if there were not as manne so excellente a creature, to beholde the creatour, and his meruailous creacion.
His countree brought to ruin, & spoiled, if that kyng Hiero should but enter Rome, euen in the firste entryng, he should beholde the spoile of his countree.
And marke and beholde (Poliphilus) howe cleare and bright the ayre is in the entrance, ouer that it is in the center, about the which is thicke darknesse.
In the fore-ende, I might see howe Cupid hauing shot vp into heauen with hys mischeeuous Arrowe, had caused Iupiter to beholde a mortall Nymph: and a great number of wounded people woondering at it.
And thus hauing leaue to goe in, beholde such thinges presented themselues to my eyes, as were lyker to be celestiall then humane.
But stricken with feare in this dark vnlightsome place, notwithstanding the dimme burning lampe, I was more desirous to beholde and peruse that triumphant porch and gate as more lawfull to remaine there than other-where.
And I beeyng desirous and not satisfied, turned mee about towardes the conspicuous Poarch, to beholde diligently the artificious Pallaice, wonderfull and perfinite of the Art of building.
Such hayre as Berenice did neuer vow in the venereous Temple for her Tholomaus, nor Conus the Mathematrician did euer beholde the like placed in the Triangule.
Poliphilus in this prescribed place, did beholde foure tryumphing Chariots, all set with precious stones and iewelles, by a great number of youthes, in the honour of Iupiter.
Beholde the mightie miracles of God, That sencelesse things should propagate their sinne That are more bestiall farre then beastlinesse Of any creature most insensible!
Sweet Gent, beholde I am flesh and blood; heeres my flesh, feele it.
And in deede hee was so cloyed with men which came to beholde him, that hee was fayne sooner than hee woulde, to returne to the Emperours court from whence hee came, and leaue Wittenberg before hee woulde.
These are but the shop dust of the sights that I saw, and in truth I dyd not beholde with anie care hereafter to report, but contented my eie for the present, and so let them passe.
And to confirme this, lett us beholde and call to remembraunce, how the auncient Romains were remoued farr from the opinion and mind of the Greks.
Let a man on the other side beholdean Almain or Germain in the Pulpit, and hee would thinke him benummed, and impotent, or lame in all his members or partes, of his bodie.
The line reads: ¶ Mayst thou here see yf thou lyst beholde That the Crystyn pepyll ¶ The fyrst behynde the in pycture is prouyded beleve in present.
Some galand seketh his favour to purchase Which playne abhorreth for to beholde his face.
And if we wil beholde somewhat neerely, and consider the seruitude of Princes, and the liberty of Subiectes, we shall finde that he which hath most to doe in the Realme, or beareth greatest swinge, is most subiect to Thraldome.
Whome I did beholde to doe that thinge, which was altogether vnmeete for any man to doe to her, but my selfe.
Moreouer a better sight it was to beholde the Satire Bucks, with dysplayed throte, and theyr fyngers poynting at the hast of those pore fearfull runawayes, as though they mocked theyr sodaine flyghte.
And then shee tooke hir by the hand and gaue hir vnto hir father with these wordes: "Beholde father, your new daughter, whom I beseech you so hartily to loue as you do Elisa your naturall chylde.
Who vpon a certaine time saide vnto me: Ara, that is to say, Father, will you goe and beholde the citie?
Afterward, this noise and outcry was heard in the ayre: Beholde and see how I am expelled out of my habitation.
But there is no man in the world so hardy, Cristene man ne other, but that he wolde ben a drad for to beholde it: and that it wolde semen him to dye for drede; so is it hidous for to beholde.
And he had also in his gardyn alle maner of foules and of bestes that ony man myghte thenke on, for to have pley or desport to beholde hem.
They whiche are weake of sight, are manye times in suche sorte deceyued, that they beholde one man in steade of an other.
Then at the last being enformed of the meanes by the Angell, she said: Beholde the handmayd of the Lord, be it vnto me according to thy word.
Beholde here the seruaût of god / & the lanternes of the worlde.
The Moone dyd shine bright, the Counstable with his neighboure myght see and beholde all that was done.
Sidenote 67: Two mirrors, in which we maybeholde the ordre of nature.
Herode being stricken by the angel, did mocke those his flaterers, saying vnto them: beholde your God (meaning of him selfe) can not nowe preserue him self frome corruption and wormes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beholde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.