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Example sentences for "becum"

Lexicographically close words:
becomming; becos; becose; becoss; becoz; becuz; bed; bedabbled; bedad; bedarf
  1. Thare did everie man reaconter his marrow, till that the 230 slew such as matched thame.

  2. The galayis and the schippes, and so did the ordinance planted upoun the mydd hill, schote terriblye.

  3. That God him self had becum pastour and governour unto thame: 2.

  4. Thoze who becum disgusted, and withdraw from the world, musn't forgit one thing, that the world will forgit them, a long time before they will forgit the world.

  5. T' moontain was varry greeat an' varry high, bud afoore oor Zerubbabel it's becum a playn!

  6. Xristu=, by the same Christ), and the second by also.

  7. Becum a Preest & hav wives Sealed to you.

  8. The American Eagle has lived too sumptuously of late--his stummic becum foul, and he's takin a slite emetic.

  9. He sed the ethereal essunce of the koordinate branchis of super-human natur becum mettymorfussed as man progrest in harmonial coexistunce & eventooally anty humanized theirselves & turned into reglar sperretuellers.

  10. I shall stay in Cleveland a few days and probly you will hear from me again ear I leave to once more becum a tosser on life's tempestuous billers, meanin the Show Bizniss.

  11. And theis be the men, that becum in the end, both most happie for themselues, and alwaise best estemed abrode in the world.

  12. Must not a great proportion of our citizens becum manufacturers and thus looz the bodies and the spirit of soldiers?

  13. This mezure waz rash, especially az the principal settlers had taken the oath of allegiance to that state, and were willing, if they could be quieted in their possessions, to becum good and peeceable citizens.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "becum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.