The basioccipital may bear a strong, curved ventral process or hypapophysis (in the Vipers).
The occipital condyle is either trilobate and formed by the basioccipital and the exoccipitals, or a simple knob formed by the basioccipital; the supraoccipital is excluded from the foramen magnum.
Maxillary much abbreviated and erectile; supratemporal not half as long as skull; mandible much longer than skull; basioccipital with a strong process.
The basioccipital is formed in the posterior part of the basis cranii, and the exoccipitals in the side walls of the trench in continuity with the fundament of the basioccipital (see Fig.
Now of these bones, the basioccipital is in every way equivalent to a vertebral centrum, for it develops in the basilar plate round the notochord.
Accordingly, the basioccipital is slightly narrower in perotae.
The bullae project below the basioccipitalon the average, for a distance of 2.
Clay Color, in males by deeper occiput in which the depth of the skull, exclusive of the sagittal crest and taken at the anterior border of the basioccipital amounts to more than 59 per cent of the mastoid breadth; from M.
They more closely resemble uinta in shape of posterior ends of nasals, basioccipital and shape of the zygomatic processes of the squamosals.
The basioccipital is the only bone on the floor of the skull ossifying that part into which the notochord is primitively continued[208].
In the occipital region there is a lateral ossification on each side of the exoccipital, the basioccipital region being unossified, and the supraoccipital at the utmost indurated by a calcareous deposit.
In the region of the occipital cartilaginous ring there appears a basioccipital and supraoccipital and two exoccipitals.
Posteriorly the skull consists of four bones: an unpaired median dorsal supraoccipital, an unpaired median ventral basioccipital and two lateral exoccipitals.
The basioccipital does not have noticeable pterygoid processes, but is rather smooth ventrally and only slightly emarginate on its posterolateral margins.
The crescent-shaped supraoccipital rests on the upright ends of the exoccipitals, but between the latter and the basioccipital no sutures can be seen.
A, occipital view of skull; B, basioccipital bone in dorsal (internal) view.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "basioccipital" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.