So bars and barricadeswere drawn aside, and the door thrown open to admit the fresh, delicious, morning breeze, which blew full in their faces, while the light darted into the interior of the shuttered rooms.
Accompanied by Generals Merritt and Custer and my staff, I now rode along the barricades to encourage the men.
In reply our horse-artillery opened on the advancing Confederates, but the men behind the barricades lay still till Pickett's troops were within short range.
Marching through the deserted suburbs the English army attacked the bridge with such vehemence that although the enemy defended the barricades gallantly they were speedily forced, and the English poured into the town.
Some other barricades were raised in the afternoon, but as quickly destroyed.
In the evening, however, fresh barricadeswere raised in the Rues Montmartre and Montorgueil, and others in the Rues Pagevin and des Fosses Montmartre, which were successfully attacked in the night by the officers in command of those quarters.
The barricades were attacked in the first instance by artillery, and then carried at the point of the bayonet.
Tumults arose in the city, and barricades were thrown up; but the deputies, while thanking the people for their zeal, urged them to remain quiet, and to pull down the barricades.
But when Charles Albert was attacked by the Austrians under the walls of Milan, the barricades were thrown up in spite of Olivieri.
Barricades were thrown up; arms were to be given to all the people; while the municipality undertook to provide them with corn, meat, and other eatables.
The people rang their bells, and rushed to the barricades; an old cannon was brought out and carried up to the Montagnola, and by six o'clock in the evening of the 8th of August, barricades had been thrown up near every gate of the city.
Amongst other interesting materials for the barricades may be mentioned O'Donnell's carriage, which had been seized for this purpose.
Even Ferdinand of Naples could plead that barricades had been thrown up in the streets before his coup d'etat of May 15.
Again the Burgomaster appealed to him; and he consented to resign in favour of Count Mensdorff, on condition that the barricades should be instantly removed.
The students, indignant at the sight, threw stones at the soldiers, who thereupon charged the barricades of the University, and a general massacre followed.
Meanwhile, one of the more moderate men went to Windischgraetz to entreat him to give up the students who had been taken prisoners, on condition of the barricades being removed.
The Pincio is still surrounded with earthworks, and the barricades remain outside the gates: a great open moat yawns in front of the door of the English Church.
Until then the Court had taken the people's threats for jests, but the barricades had opened their eyes to the danger of their position; the mob was at the palace gates, and no one knew how soon it would be in the palace!
Just such Parisians as we meet in our daily walks raised the barricades in 1648.
The faubourg saw battalions formed of princes and seigniors, and the infantry who manned the barricades bore the mighty names of ancient France.
The throwing up of field-works and barricades went on with such speed that the blockading forces were able in a few days to detach a strong column towards Châlons-sur-Marne in order to help the army of the Crown Prince of Prussia.
The moonlit street was deserted; only the barricades of timber and the litter of stones and bricks marked the events of the morning.
The men had lost confidence in themselves and in their officers, no longer despised the enemy, and dreaded the barricades at San Jorge so deeply that they would be led against them no more.
The rest of the space was covered with fruit-trees and a heavy growth of hushes; and concealed behind these lay the barricades and the plaza of San Jorge.
Below the level of the oars, balks of timber were propped out from their sides at the water-line, and it was hoped that these barricades would break the full force of an enemy's "beak.
The sovereign people had thrown up barricades during the night round all the northern and north-western issues, and would not let the milk-carts pass.
Availing themselves of this confusion, the lay hostages who were to have been shot with us escaped from La Roquette: almost all succeeded in crossing the barricades or hiding till the next day in the late haunts of insurrection.
The wine distributed to the pétroleuses on the barricades and elsewhere was also heavily charged with some such element of madness.
The first thing these guardians of public justice did was to set free one-half of the population, such as were available for the public services; and able servants they proved themselves on the barricades and as incendiaries.
Two enormous barricadeshad been constructed against the two doors of the story, with our beds and the flagstones torn up from the floor.
There were still fourteen of her terrible compeers remaining out of the four hundred and thirty that had been taken on the barricades and in the general saturnalia of the Commune and locked up in St. Lazare.
There is no more fighting, the people have conquered; but the barricades are still kept up, and the people are in arms, more than ever fearing some new act of treachery on the part of the ex-King.
I saw the barricades of the days of July 1830, and not far from the throne of the Duke of Orleans I saw the Column of the Bastile arise.
Examining it more attentively, I discerned barricades on the boulevards, near the Hotel de Ville, and along the streets, and the citizens firing at one another.
There were the carpenters joining the timbers of the scaffold, and building black barricades across the street.
If it did not pursue the operatives into their intrenchments it would remain neutral; but if the barricades were attacked it would defend them with guns and cartridge.
Mortemart had just started for St. Petersburg with the rank of ambassador, there was no further doubt, at least, in the eyes of the Royalists that the king of the barricades was ready to hand over the crown to Henri V.
They next began to construct barricades at each end of the rue des Grands-Prés, where stood, as we know, both the Latin and French churches.
Care was taken that they did not come into contact with the disaffected squadron, and they decided to take the barricades by main force.
He filled the streets of the city withbarricades and pitfalls excepting two streets which led to the place of embarkation.
But the barricades and pitfalls, together with the darkness, so embarrassed their movements that Pompey succeeded in completing his embarkation and sailing away.
The gun beside which Travis fell was now turned against the buildings, as were also some others, and shot after shot was sent crashing through the doors and barricades of the several rooms.
Sometimes barricades of cordwood were built hastily on the stairs or across the entrance to one of the halls.
It is an incontrovertible fact, I think, that when the immortals of Paris raised the barricades in the streets, they pulled them down, more or less, in society.
A never-ceasing flood of grey-clad soldiery surged up from the south, overflowed the barricades to the north, and swept the last of the Russians out of the streets like so much chaff.
The frightful butcheries at thebarricades had stopped for the time being from sheer exhaustion on both sides.
If there is a necessity for it, I will go to Pauline even through the barricades and barriers.
Not a sign of life in the square, black warehouses, with their barricades of sheet-iron doors and windows.
Torbert had the lead with Merritt's and Devin's brigades, and as he pressed back the pickets he came upon the enemy posted behind a line of barricades in dense timber about three miles from Trevillian.
With the trunks of these trees, and other materials, he directed barricades to be constructed upon the winding avenue which rose to the Tower along the high-road, taking care that each should command the other.
There would be barricades in the streets in no time, and as the soldiers are all outside the walls the mob would upset the Government in a week.
Some barricades thrown up across the street were manned, and from these and from every house they replied to the fire of the advancing Prussians.
There are streets where scarce a bullet mark is to be seen on the walls or a broken pane of glass in a window, while at points where barricades have been defended, the scene of ruin is terrible.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barricades" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.