The priest, who thought he could have bantered Ellish into an alliance, without pledging himself to pay any specific fortune, found that it was necessary for him to treat the matter seriously, if he expected to succeed.
He either bantered them in his usual way, or reverted to his loss, and sank into sorrow.
But as I bantered you, if you say an even swap, here’s at you.
Giles was not to be bantered out of his belief, but laid the case before sundry of his acquaintance, who were notorious for their credulity in all marvellous affairs.
So Jim bantered the stranger purty quick for a swap—but fust we found out he was walkin’ bekase he was afeard of his horse.
As wise as the serpent," bantered the mother; but she looked again into the mirror to see if her color was still what it should be.
You're sure a hard drinker," she bantered and wet her handkerchief to lay on his brow.
I bantered every one I met to trade horses, but no one seemed to take a particular fancy to my animal.
I called that evening on the night telegraph operator, Andy Clock, and bantered him to trade watches.
La Rochepot laughed at my scruples, and bantered me thus: "When you are in the field of battle I warrant you will not beat up the enemy's quarters for fear of assassinating men in their sleep.
Inside, Wharton soon found himself brought up against the ex-Secretary of State himself, who greeted him cordially, and then bantered him a little on his coming motion.
He travelled about a hundred yards, and then held up till I came abreast, and then he winked and bantered me again.
He was born in Dublin, of English parents, and was so "bantered by fortune" that he was compelled to spend the greater part of his life in Ireland, a country which he detested.
He sometimes bantered Lance about his social gifts and ambitions, but he had never resented the favors his father had shown his cousin.
They bantered him about his leaving them on board the ship, but although he thought Jake looked at him curiously, he told them nothing.
Yet all Boyville loved a fight, and all Boyville goaded the King to wrath, teased him, bantered him, and even pretended to doubt his worth.
One knows another, in her place, would have bantered this off in that modern attitude towards love which is a horror, boisterously expressed, of admitting love as an emotion.
Thought you had skipped with the Cossacks," bantered Salisky; "the big chief of the riders put me through a regular course of sprouts in trying to get a line on you.
Your suggestion respectfully turned down," bantered Canby, "and the same to the Turk, even if he should insist upon it.
You take a whole lot for granted," bantered the captain, with a wink at Josh.
He was the young Cockney with the rolled fringe who had bantered the policeman by Palace Yard on Lord Mayor's Day.
The learned are bantered by their meaning abstract ideas.
The previous evening she bantered Gronski, telling him that she would forestall him in the purchase, for he, as a known sleepy-head, would be unable to leave his home early enough.
Eagles your foot," bantered Schneider; "whoever saw a flock of eagles?
Sufiism views of life not far removed from those of Omar Khayyám; who, however, had bantered the Sufis so unmercifully that they are said to have dreaded and hated him.
A meeting between Bayard, Maximilian, and Henry, has been described very graphically in the Histoire de Bon Chevalier; * and it appears from this authority that the two latter bantered their prisoner in a somewhat uncourteous manner.
Happy Jack bantered at the top of his voice when he passed them by.
Alfonso excelled the grandiloquent poet himself in his love of pomp and worship; and as he had no particular merits to warrant it, his victim bantered his love of titles.
Oh, then you mean it wasn't the truth," bantered her friend.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bantered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.