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Example sentences for "bailiffes"

Lexicographically close words:
bailes; baileys; baili; bailies; bailiff; bailiffs; bailing; bailiwick; bailiwicks; baill
  1. There were some shiriffes and bailiffes also, which by the kings commandement were arrested and put in prison, and diuerse of all sorts did keepe themselues out of the waie, and would not as yet be found.

  2. Those that were driuen into the hauens were staied for a time by the bailiffes of the ports.

  3. These bailiffes euer entred at Michaelmasse, and so continued foorth their yeare.

  4. The names of the two first bailiffes chosen by force of that ordinance, were[1] Henrie Cornehill, and Richard Fitz Reiner.

  5. Albons, were taken from the gallowes, and remooued a good waie from the same: with which presumption he was so stirred, that he sent foorthwith his letters to the bailiffes of the towne of S.

  6. The test of this writ thus directed to the bailiffes of saint Albons, was at Esthamstéed the third of August, in the fift yeare of this kings reigne, and in the yeare of our lord a thousand three hundred foure score and one.

  7. There are also a third kind of sessions holden by the high constables and bailiffes afore mentioned, called petie sessions, wherein the weights and measures are perused by the clarke of the market for the countie, who sitteth with them.

  8. Sidenote: Bailiffes of London discharged and committed to ward.

  9. Thus the name of bailiffes from thenceforth was clearelie extinguished.

  10. For vpon the seauenth of June, the bailiffes of London, Roger Winchester and Edmund Hardell were discharged, and Serle the mercer and Hugh of saint Albons chosen in their roomes.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bailiffes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.