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Example sentences for "bael"

Lexicographically close words:
badinage; badine; badly; badness; baek; baes; baffle; baffled; baffles; baffling
  1. The grave is filled in up to the neck of the corpse, and bael (AEgle Marmelos) leaves, salt, and vibhuti are placed on its head by the gurukal.

  2. Among the Kapu Savaras, the grains of rice are folded up in leaflets of the bael tree (AEgle Marmelos), and placed in split bamboo.

  3. At nightfall they rested at the foot of a Bael tree and fell into a drunken sleep from the date juice they had drunk.

  4. From falling on the new-born child the bael fruit has ever since had a sticky juice and the tree is covered with thorns which are the hair of the child.

  5. As the woman lay senseless her child was born to her and no sooner was the child born than a bael fruit fell on to its head and split it into four pieces which flew apart and became four hills.

  6. The fruit of Ferona is a substitute for Bael (Ægle Marmelos), and is used as such by the English physicians in the hospitals of India.

  7. The Bael is macerated in a third of the water and at the end of 12 hours the liquid is decanted and another third of water is added; the maceration is repeated and the same process followed till the last third of water is used.

  8. In the southern district of Ceylon, between Yalle river and the sea-coast, there are great numbers of the Bael tree, the fruit of which resembles a large cricket-ball.

  9. Although elephants refuse the Bael fruit unless quite ripe, they will invariably arrive in great numbers during the favourable season in the southern districts of Ceylon.

  10. Bael you cross the river, masser," cried the boy; "too much water sit down.

  11. These black fellows kill any white fellow now; bael they care for you now; they come to kill Misser Rainsfield; and Misser Rainsfield's friends liket help him they kill them too.

  12. As the dacoits rose to their feet, I smote on the branches of the bael tree that sheltered me with my bamboo staff, shouting like three men, 'Thieves, thieves!

  13. Bael gum is a sticky, astringent substance soluble in water.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bael" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.