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Example sentences for "backes"

Lexicographically close words:
backdrop; backe; backed; backer; backers; backfield; backfire; backgammon; background; backgrounds
  1. These commodities they cary vpon Deeres backes to the towne of Lampas: and from thence to Colmagro, and there in the winter time, are kept great Faires for the sale of them.

  2. M585) So that turning their backes assoone as they were charged and compassed in by his Lieutenant, they remayned all slaine vpon the place.

  3. O many Haue broke their backes with laying Mannors on 'em For this great Iourney.

  4. A holy parcell of the fairest dames that euer turn'd their backes to mortall viewes.

  5. Let them breake your backes with burthens, take your houses ouer your heads, rauish your Wiues and Daughters before your faces.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "backes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.