This over-production and consequent accumulation of stocks brought prices down to a point which in all probability was considerably below the average cost of production.
Average cost, for the above quantity, with the paste, 1s.
A few of the principal instruments, quantities purchased, and the prices paid were as follows: Average cost, each.
The Government supplied electricity to the camps at an average cost of $0.
Average cost of cutting off hub and pressing wheels and new pins 130.
Average cost, exclusive of the fowl and bacon, 10d.
Basket-fired Japan . 10 Foochow Oolong . 10 Moyune Young Hyson . Average cost But if still not of sufficient strength, add one part of fine Moning or Kaisow Congou to tone it up.
Fifty-two Georgia boys received diplomas signed by the governor of the State and other officials, for producing more than a hundred bushels per acre each, at an average cost of less than thirty cents per bushel.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "average cost" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.