They see their owne destruction, and yet they haue no grace to auoide it.
Yea euen till the dayes of Augustine, whose sentences I omit toauoide prolixitie.
The Diuell is not pleased when wée doo good, and auoide euill: nothing woulde gréeue him more, than that we should liue accordyng to the prescript worde of God.
Diuels doo sometimes bid men doo those things which are good, and auoide things that are euill: sometimes they tell truth, and for what cause.
That when I note another man like him, I may auoide him: which of these is he?
Therefore, the wiseman doeth admonishe vs, to go vnto the Ant and learne prouidence: and also by the Greshopper, lette vs learne to auoide idelnes, leste the like miserie and calamitie fall vpon vs.
But wise and warie was that noble Pere, And lightly leaping from so monstrous maine, 8 Did faire auoide the violence him nere; It booted nought, to thinke, such thunderbolts to beare.
After they had long talked together, and that their Lord sawe that there was no remedy to auoide his going into France, hee commanded his people the next day, to bring him some victuals to serue him by the way.
What harme sutch mariage hath deferred to diuers states and persons (t'auoide other examples) the former Nouell teacheth.
And when they be hampered with such mischiefes, they seeke not toauoide them.
Neuerthelesse his lodginge was aparte from his brethren, to solace himselfe, and to auoide the incommoditie of his age.
At whose handes Antiochus craued licence to visite some of them for his disport and recreation, of purpose to proue if he could auoide that vnseasonable loue, wherewith his hart was suppressed.
When Tarquinius was come to Rome, the gates were shutte against him, and he himselfe commaunded to auoide into exile.
And for mine owne part I purpose immediatlye to returne home, because I wil auoide the daunger and peril, that maye chaunce by my presence.
Therfore I will begin with diete wher I lefte, & then go furth with aier where I beganne in treatyng the causes, and declare the waie to auoide infection, and so furthe to the reste in order.
Thirdly for that I thought it beste to auoide the iudgement of the multitude, from whome in maters of learnyng a man shalbe forced to dissente, in disprouyng that whiche they most approue, & approuyng that whiche they moste disalowe.
I swere vnto you (by God, my good Lady) that neuer thinge entred into my fantasie more, than a desire to serue you alone and to auoide the acquaintance of all other, to preserue for you a pure and entire heart.
Is it a fault to fly, and auoide the sinne of Whoredome?
A low ground is good to auoide the danger of winds, both for shaking downe your vnripe fruite.
Auoide them betime therefore, as a common wealth doth bosome enemies.
And you shall finde that cleane keeping doth not onely auoide danger of gathering weedes, but also is a speciall ornament, and leaues more plentifull sap for your tender hearbes.
Furthermore these men do saye / that they by their dissimulacion will auoide offence.
Wherfore I could not possibly preuent it, but as a man woulde saie auoide it.
Auoide from me sathan, my soule is my sauiours, to him I haue bequeathed it, from him can no man take it.
The Spaniards asked councell of the Chino their friende, what meanes might be taken to auoide the danger that the interpreter had begun to bring them in, and was alredie gone to conclude the same.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "auoide" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.