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Example sentences for "athout"

Lexicographically close words:
athlete; athletes; athletic; athleticism; athletics; athrill; athrob; athversary; athwart; athwartship
  1. Naw, I tell ee I ont athout a penny moor.

  2. She zed I war a good one too, An lorn'd my book athout tha rue.

  3. A zoon voun rum ta stoory; A thawt a'd be reveng'd at once, Athout a judge or jury.

  4. An shall I drap tha Reed--an shall I, Athout one nawte about my SALLY?

  5. Tis not aright that thou shouldst set unto the feast athout thou art fed.

  6. An' I couldn't go athout you, Dil, though there'll be many people on the road.

  7. She couldn't be happy athout me," the poor child replied confidently, with tears in her faltering voice.

  8. Bitters, 'stop right where you be; You can't go in athout a pass from me.

  9. And why didn't Hollis bring the camphor bottle athout my asking?

  10. Can He see Hisself athout looking in the glass?

  11. Fly, springing to her feet; "I shan't pass athout my Flipperty!

  12. Tell the 'ductor 'bout my white mouses died, and I can't go athout sumpin to carry.

  13. Hooever, as ye say yersel', the suspeecion wad na licht, athout some grund.

  14. I b'lieve they 'spect things to grow ov thimselves 'athout any cultivatin'.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "athout" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.