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Example sentences for "assured myself"

  • I assured myself of the fact by my sense of touch, to which she made no opposition, not thinking that I could be moved by such a trifle.

  • Mine was not until I assured myself, by looking at my sweetheart's features, that the part she had taken had not been an entirely passive one; and I escorted the ladies to their room.

  • It is early yet,' I assured myself; 'so early that thugs and night-birds are hardly likely to be abroad.

  • I made this discovery through a crack in the high fence in the rear, and I prowled about until I assured myself that my gentlemen were not there.

  • It was just for this moment that I had lived for many a week back, I assured myself; my days had been one prayer for its coming, my nights one haunting fear lest it should not come.

  • It was madness to entertain such a doubt, I assured myself, for great heiress as she was, Karine was lovely enough and sweet enough to inspire genuine love even in so cold-hearted a villain as Wildred.

  • This settled the matter, then, I assured myself.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "assured myself" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    assured her; assured him; assured himself; assured myself; assured them; based economy; before beginning; business college; country parish; eleven years; explained the; fixed time; for they are foolishness unto him; her turn; little flower; look nice; lost their; nearly the same manner; nigh unto; prayer and; regarding the; solid gold; still exists; straight lines; the face; water river