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Example sentences for "arums"

Lexicographically close words:
arton; artow; arts; artus; arum; arva; arvensis; arwe; arwes; ary
  1. By the wayside the curious wild arums known as frares (monks) were growing.

  2. ARUMS The greenhouse and stove Arums thrive in a warm, moist temperature, and are curiously interesting as well as worthy of being admired for the beauty of their foliage.

  3. The man paused with a large vase of white arums in his hand.

  4. Great arums perch on the forks and send down roots like cords to the ground, whilst lianas run from tree to tree or hang in loops and folds like the disordered tackle of a ship.

  5. Amongst these are large arums that send down aerial roots, tough and strong, and universally used instead of cordage by the natives.

  6. Late that afternoon Paul called at the rectory to leave a wreath of white flowers from Sally and a bunch of arums from himself; and the rector, who saw him pass the study window, opened the door to him.

  7. Blackbirds and thrushes are fond of searching about where the arums grow thickest.

  8. In the lane a blackbird was so occupied among the arums at the roots of the trees that he did not stir till actually obliged.

  9. Some early ancestor of the arums must have been liable to constant attacks from rabbits, goats, or other herbivorous animals, and it has adopted this means of repelling their advances.

  10. In other words, those arums which were most palatable to the rabbits got eaten up and destroyed, while those which were nastiest survived, and handed down their pungency to future generations.

  11. Close under the hedge, and shaded by the aloe's blue-green spikes, the white arums grow in the thickest profusion.

  12. The moon now broke forth and lighted up the trunks of colossal trees, the leaves of monstrous Jupati palms which arched over the creek, and revealed groups of arborescent arums standing like rows of spectres on its banks.

  13. The natives say it devours the fruit of arborescent Arums (Caladium arborescens), which grow in crowded masses around the swampy banks of lagoons.

  14. Cassia trees, with their elegant pinnate foliage and conspicuous yellow flowers, formed a great proportion of the lower trees, and arborescent arums grew in groups around the swampy hollows.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arums" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.