Some of them which were of the forward sort went toward the breach, which was on the Southside, and where the munitions of the artillerie lay, where they were repulsed and slaine.
Artillerie and other munition of defence alwayes readie planted it hath sufficient, besides the store remaining in their storehouses.
Ile to the Tower with all the hast I can, To view th' Artillerie and Munition, And then I will proclayme young Henry King.
I looke dayly for Horses from the Ilandes, and other armoure and artillerie we shall haue from Vera Crux.
Five companies of tanks took part in it under the orders of Colonel Wahl, who had recently been appointed to command the Artillerie d’Assaut with the Sixth Army.
There were also a great companie of other fighting men, and of such as serued to set vp tents and pauilions, to attend the artillerie and to inclose their campe, and otherwise to labour and be imploied in seruice.
Herevpon hauing brought certeine peeces of artillerie foorth of their ships, they planted the same alongst the water side, right ouer against the citie, and shot off lustilie, to annoie them within so much as was possible.
In 1850, under the direction of the present Emperor of the French, a trebuchet of large dimensions was constructed after the ancient monuments, and set up at the École d'Artillerie at Vincennes.
The place in the armie wherthe generall capitain must be; Where the artillerie must be placed.
The artillerie I would devide, and one parte I would place without, on the lefte flancke, and the other on the right.
How the Turkes layd their artillerie about the towne, and of the maner and quantitie of their pieces and gunshot.
The artillerie of the Turkes was such as followeth.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "artillerie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.