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Example sentences for "arrowy"

Lexicographically close words:
arrowheads; arrowpoint; arrowpoints; arrowroot; arrows; arroya; arroyo; arroyos; arroz; arryved
  1. And there the arrowy eagle of the height Becomes the little bird that hops to feed, Glad of a crumb, for tempered appetite To make it wholesome blood and fruitful seed.

  2. Good if the arrowy eagle of the height Be then the little bird that hops to feed.

  3. Now and then, a flash—as if the blaze had caught a dry twig—shot arrowy beams out through the thicket, and then fell flickering back within the encroaching darkness.

  4. As thou piercest our hearts here with these thy arrowy words, so shall I pierce thy heart in battle, recalling all this to thy mind.

  5. Under his spurning feet the road Like an arrowy Alpine river flowed, And the landscape sped away behind Like an ocean flying before the wind; And the steed, like a bark fed with furnace ire, Swept on with his wild eyes full of fire.

  6. Her nostril upraised, like a fawn's on the arrowy air, She sped, in a serpentine gleam to the precipice stair.

  7. She seemed to grow tall and regal as she stood there by the gate, the long, arrowy ray of lamp-light from within illumining her proud, cold face, that could flush with such bewildering warmth.

  8. They put it out of the window, turned on the stream, and in a few moments a column of dense smoke rose amid the arrowy flashes of lurid splendor.

  9. The trees and houses were so arranged that a long, arrowy ray of light penetrated through a narrow space over to a small rise of ground called Berry Hill on account of its harvest of blueberries.

  10. Rebellowing thunders rock the marble towers, And red-tongued lightnings shoot their arrowy showers; 175 Earth yawns!

  11. And in consequence of that arrowy downpour, many elephants also of the Pandava army were slain, and many steeds also, O king, and many foot-soldiers.

  12. The clash between them of immeasurable energy, scattering their arrowy showers with great force, on the one side and Abhimanyu alone on the other, became awful.

  13. They that were at the van of Duhsasana, thus covered with those arrowy showers, all fled away in fear, in the very sight of thy son.

  14. The mighty Karna, however, with a dense arrowy shower of his own dispelled that downpour of arrows caused by those lords of earth on all sides.

  15. Those mighty car-warriors, stretching their bows full six cubits long, surrounded the son of Arjuna, all pouring their arrowy showers upon him.

  16. And soon they made Karna's son invisible by means of their arrowy showers.

  17. Meanwhile Srutayus and Achyutayus were, by Arjuna's arrowy showers, deprived of their arms and heads.

  18. Indeed, Satyaki and Somadatta's son continued to cover each other with their arrowy showers in the sight of the Dhartarashtras filled with joy.

  19. Baffling that arrowy shower, Drona, that grinder of Kshatriyas, covered both Drupada and Virata with his shafts.

  20. Then, Arjuna baffling Drona's arrowy showers with his own arrows, rushed against Drona, shooting mightier and More awful shafts.

  21. Beholding that arrowy shower, all the gods bowing down unto Maheswara, assigned to Rudra a substantial share in sacrifices.

  22. Stupefied by Bhima with his arrowy showers, he knew not what to do.

  23. And those two Rakshasa heroes, on the other hand, both of them excited with fury, covered Lakshmana with an arrowy hail.

  24. I cannot reproach thee for thy torturing me thus by piercing me with thy arrowy words.

  25. Those rangers of skies endued with great energy, thus checked on all sides by that arrowy down-pour, succeeded not in even coming near to the sons of Pandu.

  26. And confined within that arrowy net like birds within a cage, they showered in wrath upon Arjuna maces and darts and broad-swords.

  27. But the mighty Pradyumna parried off that arrowy shower.

  28. And tied by Indrajit on the field of battle by means of that arrowy net, those heroic tigers among men resembled a couple of hawks immured in a cage.

  29. The Gandharvas, however, without regarding that arrowy shower, and desirous also of slaying him, surrounded that car of his.

  30. Eve's silken couch with gorgeous tints adorn, Or fire the arrowy throne of rising morn.

  31. And those two Rakshasa heroes, on the other hand, both of them excited with fury, covered Lakshmana with an arrowy hail.

  32. The Gandharvas, however, without regarding that arrowy shower, and desirous also of slaying him, surrounded that car of his.

  33. Is it a thunderbolt of Zeus or sleet Of arrowy hail?

  34. Speech and the wind-swift speed of counsel and civic wit, He hath learnt for himself all these; and the arrowy rain to fly And the nipping airs that freeze, 'neath the open winter sky.

  35. Mine eyes are dizzy with the arrowy hail; Mine ears are stunn'd with blows, and sick for calm.

  36. Before me lay the land of the Arabian nights--the valley of the Euphrates and of the Tigris; beyond the horizon my imagination pictured the battlemented walls of Bagdad, her white domes and arrowy minarets shining among the waving palms.

  37. The arrowy minarets rise around each mosque and add to the picturesque effect; their practical use is like that of a bell tower, as from the gallery near the summit the Muezzin chants the call for the people to come to prayer.

  38. The arrowy minarets of the mosque of Mohammed Ali were faintly discernible against the {639}sky, and the orange groves of the Island of Roda filled the foreground of the picture with their dark foliage.

  39. Under his spurning feet the road Like an arrowy Alpine river flowed, And the landscape sped away behind Like an ocean flying before the wind, And the steed, like a bark fed with furnace fire, Swept on, with his wild eye full of ire.

  40. At length, as if commanded to go on again, scores of arrowy comets shot forth from the bottom of the suspended mass as if escaping from separate outlets.

  41. The voice of the fall was now low, and the grand spring and summer floods had waned to sifting, drifting gauze and thin-broidered folds of linked and arrowy lace-work.

  42. Prince Athanase had one beloved friend, 125 An old, old man, with hair of silver white, And lips where heavenly smiles would hang and blend With his wise words; and eyes whose arrowy light Shone like the reflex of a thousand minds.

  43. The featheriness of the maple, and the arrowy straightness and pyramidal form of the cryptomeria, please me better than all else; but why criticise?

  44. The marten doubled and twisted and turned on his trail, and launched himself surely and swiftly from dizzy heights at arrowy speed.

  45. Then, with an arrowy dive and double, he shot under and over the disabled fish, and sped away to join his mate in the hidden thickets of the kelp.

  46. The movements of his long, narrow wings and arrowy body were so effortless that it seemed impossible that he could overtake the other.

  47. With a great sweep of his lustrous wings, he launched himself forth into the air in a long arrowy curve, and shot up through the sky toward the disappearing company--and not alone.

  48. Afar up the wood-crowned hill, the overtopping trees shot forth pinnacles and walls and streamers of arrowy fire.

  49. In front of me, at a distance of fifty miles away, in the clear blue of the horizon, rose the arrowy peaks of the Three Tetons.

  50. Small strips of meadow occur here and there, and belts of slender arrowy fir and spruce with moss-clad roots grow close to the water's edge.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arrowy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.