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Example sentences for "arcades"

Lexicographically close words:
arbutus; arc; arca; arcade; arcaded; arcading; arcana; arcane; arcanum; arce
  1. Suddenly, looking as if the cliff bestrode part of the sea, appeared the great arcades of Etretat, high enough for a ship to pass underneath him without the point of a sharp white rock rising out of the water before the first one.

  2. She passed under an arch, and found herself in some more gardens with arcades running all round them, and she recognized the Palais Royal.

  3. The "Dark Row" is the only one of these strange arcades that is closed from the light, for it forms a kind of tunnel through which the footwalk goes.

  4. Their graceful windows and long gray arcades contrast splendidly with the greensward of the cloister-garth.

  5. The rich western façade consists of three stages, receding one behind the other; the lower is the porch, subdivided into three enriched arcades containing figures and pierced by three doorways.

  6. They employed the pointed arch between arcades and vaulting, and unlike the French, threw a dome or cimborio over the intersection of nave and transepts.

  7. The lower arcades are semicircular, the upper, trefoiled, while the intermediate shafts are broken by two band-courses.

  8. Each of the four side aisles is nearly as broad and high as the nave of Westminster Abbey, while the arcades of Seville's nave have twice the span.

  9. It is thoroughly Gothic in character, crude, and fumbling for expression, consisting of arcades with niches above containing alto-relievo illustrations of Old Testament scenes and characters.

  10. Powerful, intermediate columnar shafts separate the superimposed arcades and carry on their caps the sixteen ribs that shoot upwards and meet in the great floral boss at the apex of the inner dome.

  11. Between the window ranges are arcades of short, deep, trefoiled lancets; at the top below the parapet and corbel table are five quatrefoils in circles, one not pierced.

  12. The interior of the porch is even more beautiful; the profusion of ornamentation on the inner doorway and the exceeding gracefulness of the double arcades in the sides are quite unsurpassed.

  13. In all the faces just below the open parapet are arcades of cinquefoiled arches, some of them pierced for windows.

  14. Under the arcades in front of the shop a fandango was going on, though it was quite early in the afternoon.

  15. After half an hour's wandering through the arcades he turned in the direction of the church of Our Lady of Kazan.

  16. It has erected any number of gigantic public buildings, of theatres and arcades and statues of Victor Emmanuel II; but what has it done for the poor people beyond taxing them to pay for these things?

  17. Part of it goes to build arcades and fountains and statues of Victor Emmanuel.

  18. Its lower arcades have been closed, and it has a small plot of garden in the middle, with fruit-trees which I should imagine to be too much overshadowed.

  19. Pampas of America would please me if I had not the arcades of the Odéon.

  20. They went to the arcades about the square and entered the shop of Hassan, the money-changer.

  21. The merchants from the arcades came to see that their ventures were properly loaded.

  22. In the long arcades the camels, in from the Soudan, knelt, fasting.

  23. So I took care to find that in the Hotel des Arcades there were two stories and two layers of Belgian and French officers overhead.

  24. Built like all French towns, without arcades or sheltering archways, the flat façades of the closed and barricaded houses refused them sanctuary.

  25. Behind the cuadrillas sounded the trotting of the horses that entered through the outer arcades of the plaza.

  26. Carmen took refuge under the arcades and closed her eyes to the repugnant spectacle in the courtyard, yet at the same time fascinated by the sickening sight of the blood.

  27. The courtyard was in Moorish style, its many colored arcades of beautiful designs recalling the horseshoe arches of the Alhambra.

  28. He was, in fact, the same young soldier he had come upon a fortnight previously haranguing the people from the arcades of the Théâtre de la Nation.

  29. In some vineyards these form perfect covered walks or arcades of delightful green, through which the sun filters to glint upon the purple and green-gold bunches of grapes hanging in profusion on either hand and above one's head.

  30. Many of the beautiful buildings, including the Gabriel Chapel, the Chapter House, the Neubau, and the arcades of the Sebastian Cemetery, owed their existence to his artistic taste and desire for improvement.

  31. It was in the Italian style with "rusticated" blocks of stone, and had round arcades on the ground floor for shops.

  32. The south wing is built in four round-arched arcades with flat Corinthian pilasters, three of which are in the nave of the Chapel, and two in its Sanctuary.

  33. I dined at the Rothen Adler; strolled through the market-place and the arcades of the old houses on either side, noting the ways of the crowd who were buying and selling meal, fruit, and vegetables.

  34. Suddenly, voices and steps resounded from room to room, reverberated along the high arcades of Macellum as formerly along the vaults of the Flavii.

  35. What are the finest arches of bridges and the arcades of cathedrals, compared with this far reaching vault, with a radius of three leagues, beneath which a wide and tempest-tossed ocean may flow at its ease?

  36. Sometimes we passed a series of arches succeeding each other like the majestic arcades of a gothic cathedral.

  37. For the arcades were snow galleries, I was told, to enable the inhabitants in winter to pass from one end of the village to the other, no inconsiderable distance.

  38. With the snow arcades by way of introduction they spoke for themselves.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arcades" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.