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Example sentences for "appens"

Lexicographically close words:
appendicular; appending; appendix; appends; appened; apperceive; apperceived; apperceiving; apperception; apperceptions
  1. Of course, I stick in any hodd bits o' real noos I 'appens to git hold of, but I ain't partickler.

  2. That's what you shall 'ave if it 'appens you go fust.

  3. I 'appens to 'ave a most aggrawating thirst in my gargler.

  4. Some day he'll be through with Tom for good and all, and you'll see what 'appens to Thomas.

  5. Ernie's excuse for 'is greediness is this: he says he wants to 'ave plenty to fall back on if Dick 'appens to get a long term in the pen.

  6. That is, she'll go unless something important 'appens to pervent.

  7. My 'usband used ter take me to the play before we was married, but I never see any play equal ter wot 'appens in this street, if yer only keeps yer eyes open.

  8. It is only what 'appens to you dat matters, mon Jeem.

  9. That kind of things 'appens sometimes when you're tramping.

  10. You see, it's my birthday to-day, and something like this always 'appens on my birthday.

  11. W'en that 'appens yer kin start thinkin' abart it,' he returned.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "appens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.