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Example sentences for "apostolical"

Lexicographically close words:
apostleship; apostolate; apostoli; apostolic; apostolica; apostolicam; apostolicis; apostolicity; apostolico; apostolike
  1. So rich was the harvest which the enthusiastic and apostolical Marquette saw before him that he writes in one of his letters: "Two thousand souls were ready to embrace the faith, if the missionary were faithful to his task.

  2. For the truth of their doctrine: for by twelve here he would have us to understand that he hath his eye upon the twelve apostles, or upon the doctrine of the twelve, the apostolical doctrine.

  3. These nets were they which shewed for what intent the apostolical office was ordained; namely, that by their preaching they might bring many souls to God.

  4. The Reverend Father Douillard strove for the completion of his task with a truly apostolical zeal.

  5. St. Gal, who had evangelized the people of Cornwall and had trained the holy Mael for his apostolical labours.

  6. In the tenth year of his reign, Gregory, a man renowned for learning and piety, was elected to the apostolical see of Rome, and presided over it thirteen years, six months and ten days.

  7. I fear I have lost my apostolical succession; or rather, my misery is, that I do not know and cannot tell whether I ever had it to lose!

  8. This, somewhat unexpectedly, led to a grave discussion on the popular question of Apostolical Succession.

  9. If we are to receive the doctrine of apostolical succession as correct, we must then admit as a fact what to every reflecting mind will appear most incongruous and extraordinary.

  10. The recension has been proved to be dependent on the Apostolical Constitutions.

  11. It should be noted that (1) there is no trace of the later doctrine of apostolical succession; (2) the ministry is never sacerdotal in the letters of Ignatius.

  12. It had been designed for the duke of Poland: but the Poles, by their own confession, were yet too barbarous to deserve an angelical and apostolical crown.

  13. Little did Peter know that John Brown's favourite minister 'held the sacred and apostolical succession of the Scottish priesthood.

  14. During the same year, at the request of the author, he revised Whiston's English translation of the Apostolical Constitutions.

  15. The clergy, however, of an Episcopal Church, and one which laid claim to Apostolical succession, was sure in time to come round to High Church doctrine.

  16. This led the clergy to look out for another basis, which they found in the reassertion of High Church and sacerdotal doctrines, such as apostolical succession, eucharistical real presence, and baptismal regeneration.

  17. Thus speciously could "the Orator" reason, raising himself to the height of apostolical purity.

  18. Besides all these, we must not omit the Reverend Apostolical Chamber, always on the brink of bankruptcy, which has been in the habit of exacting contributions, that they may sell to speculators the revenues of succeeding years.

  19. To deny the apostolical authorship of the Gospel for such reasons, therefore, were pure folly, and in the highest degree unjust.

  20. Apostolical origin of the book itself becomes all the more clearly apparent; and thus the supplement proves from the most diverse sides how certainly this Gospel was written by the trusted disciple.

  21. This does not depend on our knowledge of the names of their respective authors, but whether we have good evidence that they faithfully embody the primitive apostolical traditions.

  22. His letter to these Churches discusses the entire question between him and his opponents, who actually went the length of denying his apostolical authority.

  23. On each of these points he gives his own apostolical decision; yet in the very act of doing so, he directly enjoins that the conscientious scruples of those who could not acquiesce in it should be respected.

  24. He is simply speaking of Judaizing teachers, who claimed the support of apostolical authority, for the purpose of disseminating their unchristian views.

  25. They were admitted to apostolical ordination by Barlow, whom they will have a bishop, though there is no proof whatever that he was one, and while he himself denied the necessity or the virtue of the sacrament of order.

  26. They never attempted to maintain that the apostolical succession was necessary to the integrity of a church.

  27. His tomb and that of St. Peter, so near each other, bring before us the two extremities of the great chain of apostolical succession which extends back from our own age to the first Christian era.

  28. Was it reasonable to ask her to mutilate her apostolical polity and her beautiful ritual for the purpose of conciliating those who wanted nothing but power to rabble her as they had rabbled her sister?

  29. But I need not fetch in obscure places to prove so clear an Apostolical and early custom in God's Church.

  30. The case is the same in Christianity, as we learn from the Apostolical Constitutions, which although they agree with Christ and St. James, in forbidding to swear in general, ch.

  31. You and your friends, you tell me, believe in the Real Presence, in the apostolical succession, in the power of the keys, and yet when I was in England last I never met a single person who seemed even to have heard of such things!

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "apostolical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.