Though the fathers certainly do not understate the abominations of Paganism, and though the heathen apologists make free use of allegorical (and impossible) interpretations, the evidence of both is often useful and important.
The heathen apologists for the old religion were thus driven in the early ages of Christianity to various methods of explaining away the myths of their discredited religion.
His apologists say that the war is politics, and that Popes must not interfere in politics.
It was thus that the Christian teachers and apologists presented themselves as "philosophers," for, as a general rule, philosophers were at liberty to teach what they thought fit.
The apologists for the Pucelle exhibit the doctrine of individualism in one of its worst issues.
They complain, and with too much justice, that our apologists have made "anything out of anything.
Who can be surprised that the earlier apologists should have felt thus in the presence of an enemy whose novelty made him appear more portentous than he can ever seem to ourselves?
Many slaveholders and their apologists have sought to find authority for the "enormity and crime" of slavery, in the Holy Bible.
Of English apologists who wrote against the deists, =Leland=, died A.
Extant Writings of Apologists of the Post-Apostolic Age.
Bruno deserves special recognition as a consistent protester against the geocentric theories of ecclesiastical scholastic science, and for this merits a place among the first apologists of the Copernican system.
The works of these Apologists still extant afford interesting and significant glimpses of the life, doctrine, and thinking of the Christians of that age, which but for these writings would have been almost unknown.
We come upon firm ground when we proceed to deal with theApologists of the age of Hadrian.
So the pages of the early apologists are to our feeling almost cumbered by the profuseness of their appeal to these Scriptures.
Revelation never advances for itself the claim which its apologists sometimes make for it, the claim to be something absolutely new.
The earlier Apologists concern themselves first with the vindication of the Divine attributes.
It never occurred to the Apostles, or the Apologists after them, to retreat into the fastnesses of a reasonless faith.
Now that it is falling into discredit, there is a tendency on the part of Christian apologists to ascribe it to our natural hatred of contradiction.
Meanwhile, such apologists have been forced virtually to repudiate the great Christian representatives who have hitherto defended the Faith.
The best and most powerful reasons which able divines and apologists have been able to bring forward against its main argument have, I submit, not only failed to shake it, but have, by inference, shown it to be unassailable.
Apologists find it much more convenient to evade the simple but effective arguments of Hume than to answer them, and where it is possible they dismiss them with a sneer, and hasten on to less dangerous ground.
Attempts will be made in America (for the Congo has its paid apologists everywhere) to pretend that England wants to oust Belgium from her colony and take it herself.
If it is possible to add a darker shadow to the black business it lies in the fact that the apologists of the State endeavoured to make the world believe that their victim's death was due to his own habit of taking morphia.
The snobs and servile apologists of the régime he resisted seem to think they can atone for being hard-hearted by being soft-headed.
On the other hand, it is certain that when some Southern apologistssaid that the slaves did not want their freedom they were wrong.
It is not strange, therefore, that modern apologistshave discarded the restitution hypothesis.
From this, therefore, the apologistshastily retreated.
With this, the retreat of the army of apologists is complete; further than this, through mazes of sophistry and into depths of contempt, they could not go.
So began the great retreat--the retreat of the army of Church apologists through two centuries of sophistry, trickery, and falsehood.
Amid the jeers of an unfeeling world the apologists sought new shelter.
If thus related to the Apologists of the middle of the 2nd century, the Epistle to Diognetus has also points of contact with one of the most practical and least literary writings found among our Apostolic Fathers, viz.
The majority of apologists in the past have further believed in an infallible Bible; but they admit this position can only be reached at a late stage in the argument.
On purely defensive lines, early apologists rebut charges of cannibalism and sexual promiscuity; the Christians had to meet in secret, and the gossip of a rotten age drew malignant conclusions.
Of course, defence easily passes into counterattack, as when earlyapologists denounce Greek and Roman religion.
The apologistsget over the difficulty with the ease which suffices superficial readers who are already convinced.
She is precariously identified by the apologists with the Nitocris of Herodotus; and it is imagined that she may have been a daughter of Nebuchadrezzar, married to Nabunaid before the murder of Neriglissar.
Stress is naturally laid upon it by apologists like Hengstenberg; but an historian like Grote does not vouchsafe to notice it by a single word, and most modern writers reject it.
The apologists for church exemption find themselves in a position of great embarrassment when the nature and amount of the exempted property are called into question.
On the other hand they have had their apologistsand friends even outside their own order.
Sidenote: Protestants] It is impossible to do more than mention by name, in the short space at my command, the principal Protestant apologists for the Reformation, in this period.
Footnote 16: No one of theapologists of Atahuallpa goes quite so far as Father Velasco, who, in the over-flowings of his loyalty for a Quito monarch, regards his massacre of the Canares as a very fair retribution for their offences.
His earliest apologists may have had other reasons besides these for so doing; his present biographers have none.
On the other hand the Christian Apologists with a true instinct glory in the ‘barbarous’ origin of their religion: Justin Apol.
Justin Martyr and Tertullian, the great apologists of Christianity, and others of the Fathers, interpret Filios Dei to be angels or evil spirits who, enamoured with the beauty of the women, begot the primeval giants.
The Talmud, if there is any truth in the assertions of the apologists of witchcraft, commemorates many of the most virtuous Jews accused of the crime and executed by the procurator of Judea.
Reginald Scot gives the reasons alleged by the apologists of witchcraft.
And apologists are undoubtedly right when they maintain that this is far too much the case.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "apologists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.