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Example sentences for "apochryphal"

Lexicographically close words:
aplomb; apo; apocalypses; apocalyptic; apocalyptical; apocryphal; apodal; apodeictic; apodictic; apodous
  1. An apochryphal piece always betrays itself by some interested purpose, but here the story is of an infantine simplicity.

  2. A whole apochryphal literature has blossomed out around Gioacchino; certain hypercritics have tried to prove that he never wrote anything.

  3. Particularly books containing apochryphal stories of the lives of great composers or executive musicians.

  4. This anecdote, not an apochryphal one, is always hailed as an evidence of Beethoven's sturdiness of character, his rank republicanism, while Goethe is slightly sniffed at for his snobbishness.

  5. Much of rather apochryphal myth and error has grown up about Mrs. Browning's early life.

  6. He looked across the square and saw that Pliny Pickett was delighting an audience with apochryphal reminiscences, doubtless of a gallant and spicy character.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "apochryphal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.