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Example sentences for "answer the"

  • Let the mixed race which we see here, from black to almost perfect white, springing from white fathers, answer the question.

  • In short, I have tried to describe the dynamics of history rather than to record the accomplished facts, to answer the question, "Why did it happen?

  • We have now to answer the question as to the eugenical application of the laws of inheritance of defects.

  • It is not certain that either the biologist or the psychologist is prepared to answer the question.

  • The medical officer didn't bother to answer the question.

  • Answer the questions I ask you, and I promise that you will not be treated as spies.

  • The event appears fully to answer the question, viz.

  • It is believed that those who will not admit that the permission granted to the Israelites to engage in war was abrogated by the gospel dispensation can never fully answer the arguments in favor of a national religion.

  • The respectable Society of Friends stands a living monument to answer the question.

  • It is now too late to answer the question, and it would always have been presumption in me to have done it.

  • As yet it has not suffered by any of these advances, but having no money left here but this balance, I shall be censurable by that State if it be not replaced in time to answer the demands on them, which will now be made within a few weeks.

  • SIR,--I wish it were in my power to announce to the Count de Cambrai that the Treasury Board of the United States had enabled their banker here to answer the demands of the foreign officers.

  • The clerk was therefore obliged to leave the steps, to answer the notary's summons, towards whom he went with a very bad grace.

  • The elections for the new parliament in England had been conducted so as fully to answer the purposes of the duke of Newcastle, and his brother Mr. Pelham, who had for some time wholly engrossed the administration.

  • Before that time I had not been able to answer the question: "What is to be done?

  • This is the lie of which we must not be guilty if we are to be in a position to answer the question: "What is to be done?

  • And, in fact, how am I to answer the question, "What is to be done?

  • One day he heard that the king had summoned all those who would like to attempt to answer the questions of the princess.

  • The two elder brothers tried to answer the king's questions, but lost their lives.

  • Those who came to the court and were unable to answer the questions of the king were to lose their lives.

  • It needed a servant constantly at the door to answer the stream of sympathetic inquirers.

  • On the 17th he was brought ashore to answer the charge of Jehu [John?

  • What do we want with a carriage to drive out in, and champagne on the table, and a footman to answer the door?

  • For a carriage to ride out in, champagne on the table, and a footman to answer the door!

  • I was bound, of course, to answer the lady of the house.

  • Let those organised systems of imposture, masquerading under the disguise of banks and companies, answer the question--there is no need for me to answer it.

  • Till now we have wished only occasionally to answer the fire of your batteries.

  • On hearing this report, Lieutenant Ball and myself went to examine the place, and found it exactly to answer the master's description.

  • I like to answer the telephone," beamed Rosemary.

  • Tell Winnie to answer the telephone if it rings, because I don't want to have to go down stairs.

  • So far I have attempted to answer the question, "What Was the Roman Empire?

  • I turn, therefore, next to answer the question: "What happened in Britain?

  • My next task must, therefore, be an attempt to answer the question, "What was the Church in the Roman Empire?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "answer the" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    answer came; answer for; answer thee; answered gravely; answered promptly; answered quickly; answered quietly; answered simply; answered that; answered the; answered the little girl; answered the young captain; answered the young girl; answered the young inventor; answered the young major; answered very; but merely; creative activity; dated from; encourage merit; expressly stated; like bodies; much sugar; placer deposits; take him; what you