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Example sentences for "animile"

Lexicographically close words:
animating; animation; animaux; anime; animi; animiles; animis; animism; animisme; animist
  1. Illustration] Bring out yure bran nu cutter, And git yure galls consent, Then hitch up Dobbin, or sum other kruttur, And let the animile went.

  2. The cat hath been called a domestik animile but i never could tell whyfore.

  3. An' what quarter o' the animile kingdom might the warmint hail from?

  4. So let's lay alongside an' diskiver what quarter o' the animile kingdom he hails from, says you.

  5. With a leap in th' air th' bold wolf put to rout a covey iv muskrats, those evil sojers iv fortune that ar-re seen hoverin' over ivry animile battlefield.

  6. I like to see th' best man or th' best animile win.

  7. If I wuz ter pick out yer counterpart in ther animile world, I'd say yer most resembled the phillaloo?

  8. How erbout ther animile what yer sits on so graceful?

  9. An' I want ter ast yer what other animile hez whiskers exceptin' ther goat.

  10. Thet pig, Oof, is a animile of high intelligence.

  11. Most all the animile kritters hav instinkt, which is wuth more to them than reason would be, for instinkt don't make enny blunders.

  12. If I hear of one yip comin' from you about the way I've been done, I'll come round to your place and chop you into mince-meat and feed you to that animile there!

  13. Finally bear shakes himself loose and telescopes himself up the cañon, the worst scared animile in the country.

  14. Then it was quiet in the kloof, an' I knew what a animile must feel when the hunter's after him, or the tiger's tracking him down.

  15. That animile is wuth fifty dollars anyhow, an' if Don wants him agin he'll have to plank down five dollars.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "animile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.