With that strong g'ard of Angellswhich doe houer About his sacred person, daye and night: And with invissible winges his head doe cover, that danger's darts thereon may neuer light.
The Lord His angells will Thy keepers make, In all Thy righteous wayes which thou shalte take; 12 They in their hands shall thee sustaine and stay That Thou shalt neuer stumble in thy way.
Cosen away for England, haste before, And ere our comming see thou shake the bags Of hoording Abbots, imprisoned angells Set at libertie: the fat ribs of peace Must by the hungry now be fed vpon: Vse our Commission in his vtmost force Bast.
Nor need those angells any other Hell; It is enough for them, from Heaven they fell.
Madam that flea that Crept between your brests I envied, that there he should make his rest: The little Creatures fortune was soe good That Angells feed not on so pretious foode.
Then feare not Burbage heavens angry rodd, 5 When thy fellows are angells & old Hemmĩgs is God.
Ask not the tongues of men; Angells cannot tell; suffice Thy selfe shall feel thine own full ioyes, 120 And hold them fast for euer there.
I saw the officious angells bring The downe that their soft breasts did strow: For well they now can spare their wings, When heauen itselfe lies here below.
So the life-food of angells then Bow'd to the lowly mouths of men!
The first verse runs: Come Urania, heavenly Muse, and infuse Sacred flame to my invention; Sing so loud thatAngells may heare thy lay, Lending to thy note attention.
Az the femail angells put out ov the pond, side by side with the male angells, it waz the most powerfull scene i ever stood behind.
The fact is, Angells don't whispre, if tha hav got enny thing tew sa, tha sa it rite out loud.
Man was kreated a little lower than the angells and has bin gittin a little lower ever sinse.
Humble your soule for shame, and seeke not now, Sir, To tumble from that happines even Angells Were throwne from for their pride.
A score of Angells shall satisfie for the confrontment you have offred me in being dilatory.
Angells with wings and divers others Angells and the 4 Evangelists and Peter, with his keies, over the Chapell dore and about a hundred chirubims and Angells and divers superstitious Letters.
And se/ the angells of God went vp and downe apon it/ yee ad the LORde stode apon it and sayde.
And as the mornynge arose the angells caused Lot to spede him saynge.
And yet it became as common as it was absurd, because men thereby thought they might sooth themselves in that synn, and thinke it tollerable when angells had done the like before them.
Leicester mentioned the circumstance to the Queen, who speedily helped her old favourite out of the difficulty by sending him “forty angells of gold.
Whereupon her Majestie sent unto me very royally, within one hour after, forty angells of gold, from Syon, whither her Majestie was new come by water from Greenewich.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "angells" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.