An engagement has taken place in each of these alcoves except one.
I heard you were in one of Picault's alcoves together.
Kelham, are like great alcoves in the south wall of the main group.
Palace of Liberal Arts Elephant Fountain Niche by Night The ornamental fountain alcoves placed at intervals are important decorative features of the south walls.
This hint is carried out in the sculptured figures in the alcoves above each arch.
There was only one room in the hut, but there were two alcoves opening from it--narrow little alcoves in which, evidently, bedding and articles not wanted for immediate use were tucked away during the day.
Its course, as well as that of all its many tributaries, is in deep box-canyons of homogeneous red sandstone, often with vertical walls that are broken by many beautiful alcoves and glens.
The whole north side as far as we can see is lined with the black basalt, and high up on the opposite wall are patches of the same material, resting on the benches and filling old alcoves and caves, giving the wall a spotted appearance.
The cliffs are not far away and we soon reach them, and wander in some deep, painted alcoves which attracted our attention from the river; then we return to our boats.
The canyon walls are buttressed on a grand scale, with deep alcoves intervening; columned crags crown the cliffs, and the river is rolling below.
Monuments are still seen on either side; beautiful glens andalcoves and gorges and side canyons are yet found.
Sometimes these alcoves have caves at the back, giving them the appearance of great depth.
The western side is carved into beautifulalcoves and is buttressed with a magnificent talus, and the red sandstone stands in fractured columns of giant size and marvelous beauty.
In this way curious little alcoves are formed, in which are quiet bays of water, but on a much smaller scale than the great bays and buttresses of Marble Canyon.
Much of the region is of naked, smooth, red rock, but the alcoves and glens that break the canyon walls are the sites of perennial springs, about which patches of luxuriant verdure gather.
Buttes are scattered on the landscape, here rounded into cones, there buttressed, columned, and carved in quaint shapes, with deep alcoves and sunken recesses.
A terrace appears, and sometimes a wall of terraces set with alcoves of marvelous structure.
Rock masses have fallen upon the side walls of several of these lesser gorges, converting them into picturesque winding tunnels and changing deep alcoves into caves which require candles to see.
Pehansan, an inveterate hunter who would willingly have passed a thousand years of good life in such pursuits, had an idea that elk might be found in some of the secluded alcoves to the north.
The most difficult of their tasks was to procure enough food for the ponies, and they were continually turning up the snow in secluded alcoves in search of it.
The alcoves of the Registeries were really ample rooms.
Around the room werealcoves lit by lamps of the phosphori, and in each alcove a globe of a blue metal upon which were painted sketches like charts or maps.
On each side are deep alcoves with raised platforms, where the bathers, after their ablutions, reclined on cushions, soothed to voluptuous repose by the fragrance of the perfumed air and the notes of soft music from the gallery.
Illustration] On each side of this hall are recesses or alcoves for ottomans and couches, on which the voluptuous lords of the Alhambra indulged in that dreamy repose so dear to the Orientalists.
Innumerable dark alcoves invite the crowd to rest, and many a sleeping form is seen at the foot of the altars.
Many had little alcoves and shelves, dug out by the patient hands of the soldiers, and these niches contained their most precious belongings.
There they drew the rescued youth into one of the alcoves dug in the wall and Carstairs flashed his electric torch on his face, revealing features boyish, delicate, and white as death now.
When the feast was ended, the pages took down the torches from the walls, and led forth the guests to the shadowy alcoves where each man's couch was laid, and there was silence in the halls.
At first all seemed silent and deserted, for the folk had gone their several ways for the work of the day; but at length she spied an old man sitting on a carved chair in one of the alcoves between the pillars.
He had sent his servants before him with his chariot and his gear to secure a stabling for his horses and a sleeping-place for himself in the crowded alcoves of the king's palace.
Immediately, bestowing its gift of altered mood, other music, cut by the lift and fall of trumpets, sounded from hidden places all about the walls and from the alcoves of the lofty roof.
In the thick of night, through the alcoves of the mountains, over their barren peaks, down through the wadi of oblivion, silently they pass.
What if I am lost in the alcoves of the hills, if I vanish forever in the night?
The alcoves below are conventional enough, and the high tables down the centre, strewn with scientific periodicals in engaging disorder, are equally conventional.
Each of these alcoves is devoted to a class of animals--one to mammals, one to birds, one to fishes, and so on.
The second of the novel exhibits of the museum to which I wish to refer is to be found in a series of alcoves close beside the central cases in the main hallway.
On each side of this hall are recesses or alcoves for ottomans and couches, on which the voluptuous lords of the Alhambra indulged in that dreamy repose so dear to the Orientalists.
At the sides of the rooms are the alcoves characteristic of Oriental domestic architecture.
Through the usual zigzag vestibule you reach a hall with a fountain in the centre andalcoves in three of the sides.
Release of pent-up pressure in rock walls may help also in initiating the formation of alcoves or caves in cliff faces.
From the balconies which replace the curious Moorish lattices of its alcoves we look down upon the gypsy quarter of the Albaycin, and the cypress groves that fringe the banks of the Darro, so named from its sands of gold.
The ceilings of its alcoves are covered with rude paintings of unknown origin, almost obliterated by time and neglect.
He shuddered at the cruelty on every side, as the shrieks from the high galleries were answered by those in distant alcoves and from the deep crypt.
In the twilight's crimson glow Dim the quietalcoves grow.
Recesses, alcoves and open doors to other rooms, which the young couples were piling over each other to reach, gave Lane some inkling of what Blair had hinted.
From the lines of chairs along the walls and from doors and alcoves rushed the gay-colored throng to leap, to close, to step, to rock and sway, until the floor was full of a moving mass of life.
I range daily in the alcoves of the Astor, more charming than the gardens of Boccaccio, and each hour a Decameron," wrote Charles Sumner to Theodore Parker.
A class memory can be cultivated and may be assisted by local memory which will find books by their position relative to other books, instead of by their position relative to alcoves and shelves, or doors and windows.
As he passed the range of alcoves beneath the orchestra, he perceived Jacob, who instantly came towards him.
Bowers and alcoves were built in different places; lamps were fastened to the trees, and at night, on the occasion of a fĂȘte, every part of the garden was illuminated with myriads of lamps of various colours.
But you see, after one's ideals of life have been exalted by such alcoves you must not expect Stella to fall quite prostrate before the grandeurs of Melbourne society.
And those alcoves one heard so much about--were they a great success?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alcoves" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.