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Example sentences for "aimlessness"

Lexicographically close words:
aimeth; aimez; aiming; aimless; aimlessly; aimons; aims; ain; aina; aince
  1. You take advantage of every minute of solitude to gloat over thoughts of the aimlessness of life and the darkness of the grave.

  2. And together with this sensation come thoughts of the aimlessness of life, of death, and of the darkness of the grave.

  3. Hence, quite naturally, instead of going directly to the hotel hitching-rail where his horse was tied, he sauntered with apparent aimlessness round the corner of the saloon, along the blank side wall and round the next corner.

  4. Red Herring, the town marshal, slouching with seeming aimlessness against a showcase at the other end of the counter, covertly watched the girl.

  5. The disgust with life which is the result of aimlessness seems to weigh him to the earth.

  6. Aimlessness is a vice, and such drifting must not continue for him who would steer clear of catastrophe and destruction.

  7. After pacing with apparent aimlessness back and forward, he had seated himself on the smooth strip of sand.

  8. But a second glance showed him that a soldier was strolling about with apparent aimlessness down below.

  9. Surveying the broad shoulders before him, he was thinking how nothing but aimlessness and fantasies and everything out of harmony with the career to come had been encouraged in the son.

  10. She imagined him with a certain amiable aimlessness turning his pony to one side so as not to knock down a danger sign, while he rode straight over a precipice.

  11. The real horror is the dead weight of ennui, the aimlessness and fruitlessness of a life that has done nothing and has nothing to do.

  12. You'd think a criminal would be taught anything but aimlessness; it was aimlessness that got him here in the first place, nine times out of ten.

  13. Why don't you write a piece in our paper about the aimlessness of prison work?

  14. Suddenly, Ned groaned out, "Oh, the aimlessness of it!

  15. Maybe the very aimlessness of such loiterings conduces to a like method of narrative.

  16. A sinister aimlessness pervades the actions of those that move at all.

  17. I suppose he was alive to the ridiculous aimlessness of the race across country.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aimlessness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absurdity; emptiness; fatuity; futility; impotence; inanity; ineffectiveness; insignificance; meandering; noise; nullity; rambling; roving; triviality; unproductiveness; vanity; wandering