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Example sentences for "agneau"

Lexicographically close words:
agmina; agmine; agnate; agnates; agnatic; agnomen; agnostic; agnosticism; agnostics; ago
  1. Wilton, when Mr. Agneau had left the steerage.

  2. Mr. Agneau went to the prisoner's berth, and found the two bottles of wine.

  3. Mr. Agneau was entirely confident of the sincerity of the culprit's repentance.

  4. Mr. Agneau has told me your story; it is not necessary to repeat it now.

  5. Mr. Agneau talked to the penitent for two hours; and finally he prayed with him and for him.

  6. Mr. Agneau remained a moment to give a final admonition to the penitent, as he regarded him, and then went to his cabin.

  7. Mr. Agneau carried the prize he had captured on deck, and informed Mr. Lowington what had just transpired in the brig.

  8. Wilton had been discharged from confinement in the brig, where Mr. Agneau had visited him, giving him good advice and religious instruction, as he did to all who were punished in any manner, and was now with his watch on deck.

  9. Mr. Agneau entered the lock-up, and was securing the door behind him, when the prisoner spoke.

  10. It was dark when we entered Ratisbon, and having been recommended to the hotel of the Agneau Blanc we drove thither, and alighted .

  11. Nor were the civility, good fare, and reasonable charges of the Agneau Blanc, among the most insignificant comforts attending our residence at Ratisbon.

  12. When cooked cut each ear in halves, lengthwise, and proceed exactly as for the pieds d’agneau (No.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "agneau" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.