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Example sentences for "agglutinative"

Lexicographically close words:
agglomerations; agglutinate; agglutinated; agglutinating; agglutination; aggrandise; aggrandisement; aggrandising; aggrandize; aggrandized
  1. The original population was Turanian, speaking an agglutinative language, akin to though not identical with Accadian, and its religion and civilization were apparently the same, or closely similar.

  2. It is certainly an agglutinative language originally, but far advanced beyond the simpler forms of that mode of speech as spoken by Mongolians.

  3. They spoke an agglutinative language, and resembled the Chinese very much both in physical type and in character.

  4. The language was, in fact, one of the agglutinative dialects spoken in Elam, the native language of Susa itself being closely related to it.

  5. The whole country was occupied by a variety of tribes, speaking agglutinative dialects for the most part, though the western districts were occupied by Semites.

  6. Agglutinative action is evidence of the presence in a serum of a somewhat similar set of substances, known as "agglutinins.

  7. Some Remarks respecting the Agglutinative Position and Properties of the Pronoun.

  8. The Tagalog-Bisayan-languages are said by several writers to be the most highly developed of this family, and are in a transition state between the agglutinative and inflective stages.

  9. The analysis of the sentence has not been carried so far in agglutinative languages like Turkish.

  10. All these “Sibiric” peoples have agglutinative languages, while the Chinese is monosyllabic, being more nearly related to the languages stretching from Thibet southeast to the Malay Peninsula.

  11. The languages of all these peoples belong to the agglutinative family, while Chinese is monosyllabic.

  12. But the distinction between them and the so-called agglutinative languages is one of degree rather than of kind.

  13. In the agglutinative languages, or at any rate in some of them, some of the post-fixed elements have still an independent value.

  14. The civilisation of the country had been founded by a race which spoke an agglutinative language, like that of the modern Finns or Turks, and which scholars have now agreed to call Sumerian.

  15. On the other hand, the more highly developed agglutinative languages, such as Finnish, approach the inflected Aryan type, so that the Aryan languages may have been developed from an ancestor not unlike the Ural-Altaic group.

  16. They are less completely inflected than the Finnish languages and more thoroughly agglutinative in the strict sense.

  17. The two languages, although both of the agglutinative Sudanese type, are radically distinct in all their structural, lexical, and phonetic elements, and the two peoples are equally distinct.

  18. Their absence, however, is readily explained by the persistence of the agglutinative principle, which renders them unnecessary.

  19. Words, phrases and sentences are sometimes composed by syncope, a process which is more characteristic of the agglutinative than of the inflective type, and is by no means confined to the languages of America.

  20. The Sumerian language was of agglutinative type, radically distinct both from the pure Semitic idioms and from Egyptian.

  21. The two tongues present the highest development of the agglutinative process of the Ural-Altaic languages.

  22. In the agglutinative languages speech is berry jam.

  23. But in such cases the agglutinative process is obvious, and the elements of the compounded word must be present to the mind of speaker and hearer.

  24. From the evidence thus far adduced it appears that ethnically the American is Mongol, and by the agglutinative element in many of the native languages may be classed as Turanian.

  25. In their morphological character, certain American and Asiatic languages have a common agglutinative structure, which in the former is developed into their characteristic polysynthetic attribute.

  26. The agglutinative suffixes are common to the Eskimo and many American Indian tongues.

  27. As they also spoke an agglutinative language, it is suggested that they were descended from the same parent stock as the Chinese in an ancient Parthian homeland.

  28. Were the pre-Semitic Elamites originally speakers of an agglutinative language, like the Sumerians and present-day Basques, who were conquered in prehistoric times by a people of Aryan speech?

  29. It seems to have been built by a people who spoke an agglutinative language, like the languages of the modern Fins and Turks, and who were afterwards supplanted by the Semitic Assyrians.

  30. The non-Semitic element is generally termed Accadian; it spoke agglutinative dialects, and was the original possessor of the plain of Chaldaea.

  31. He cast his agglutinative tongue behind his back, took in as much Latin as he could swallow, and produced the French language.

  32. It meant, in the case of the Semitic Babylonians and Assyrians, learning the ancient agglutinative language of Sumer as well.

  33. Its members spoke agglutinative dialects, and the primitive civilization of Babylonia was their creation.

  34. These Proto-Medic tribes were a Turanian people of Ural-Altaic stock speaking an agglutinative language.

  35. This had arisen in the attempts to adapt a syllabary and characters expressing an agglutinative speech to the uses of a Semitic language.

  36. In the adaptations of this to the requirements of an agglutinative speech a process of simplifying had occurred quite similar to that which the Japanese present upon the transmission to them of the graphic system of the Chinese.

  37. This is the first stage in polysyllabism, and is known as the agglutinative stage.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "agglutinative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.