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Example sentences for "ageynst"

Lexicographically close words:
agers; ages; ageyn; ageyne; ageyns; agger; aggere; agglomerate; agglomerated; agglomerates
  1. Also summe sey that many of the Lords shall resorte hiddir to London ageynst Alhalwen tyde.

  2. As touchyng your mater ageynst Gunnore, that dwelleth in lawe, I have spoken to Lyttelton,[107.

  3. For noo knyght can loue the ordre/ ne that whiche apperteyneth to his ordre/ but yf he can knowe the defaultes that he dothe ageynst the ordre of chyualry/ Ne no knyght ought to make ony knyghtes/ but yf he hym self knowe thordre.

  4. And thenne Heracle / whiche was armed wythe faythe / brought his hooste ageynst hym / and destroyed and wasted the Persyens with many batayles that he made to them / and made Cosdroe to flee unto the Cyte of thelyfonte /.

  5. In this yere came Richard Plantagenet duke of Yorke out of Walis, over Kyngston brige to the Blak heth, withe grete power, to clere hymself ageynst kyng Herry of such things as his adversaries had shewed ageynst hym.

  6. And the messengers came agayne to Iacob sainge: we came vnto thi brother Esau/ and he cometh ageynst the and .

  7. And some or rather every one/ saye that it wold make them ryse ageynst the kinge/ whom they them selves (vnto their damnatyo) never yet obeyed.

  8. As thou readeste therfore thinke that every sillable pertayneth to thyne awne silf/ and sucke out the pithe of the scripture/ and arme thy silf ageynst all assaultes.

  9. Wee will not bee ageynst the woordes of the holy one.

  10. The strength of the Gospell is euen suche in this puincte, || that there was neuer man, which did humily receaue it, that would murmour ageynst his Prince.

  11. As touchyng the capias ageynst Pertrich, and the pros.

  12. The day of th'assises in Norffolk is die Veneris proximo post Festum Nativitatis Beatae Mariae apud Norwicum, and Costards nisi prius is take owt ageynst that day, and Prentis nisi prius ageynst Halman also.

  13. Ivy is soft and meke of speech, Ageynst all bale she is blysse; Well is he that may hyre rech.

  14. Who so ever ageynst Holly do crye, In a lepe shall he hang full hie.

  15. But lord and lady of this hall, Who so ever ageynst Holly call.

  16. Who so ever ageynst Holly do syng, He maye wepe and handys wryng.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ageynst" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.