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Example sentences for "affectyon"

Lexicographically close words:
affections; affective; affects; affectu; affectus; affer; afferent; affiance; affianced; affiant
  1. I cannot be so happye, & if thou Beare but the least affectyon to my cause, Thy fortunes like thy trenchers wilbe chaungd To a sordyd foulenes that will loathe thy nature.

  2. I know the hate of Ganelon to be A myne of all deceytfull polycie, And thys affectyon thus unnaturall, Can but have such a father.

  3. I beleive (To which beleife a long experyence Of youre knowne worthe most steddylie directs) That if suche an affectyon manadge you, Tys not the man or sexe that causes it But the styll groweinge vertues that inhabytt The object of your love.

  4. To tell before you myne affectyon In publique I confes it would make me A subject for taxation.

  5. But the knight which was no more his own Man, beyng possessed of another, had with hys Lybertye lost his Wyts and Mynd to marke the affectyon of this Gentlewoman, of whom he made no accompt.

  6. The second seemeth to go half constrained, and by maner of acquitall, and had hys affectyon bene to render hymselfe Slaue to hys Foe, hys Patron and preseruer, it would haue diminished his prayse.

  7. He was an Englyshma callyd Gratiane colte a man bothe vertuouse and well learnyd, but he had lesse affectyon toward pylgremages than I wold that he shuld haue.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "affectyon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.