But the citizens being aduised thereof, boldlie got them to the loops and towers, ouerthrew the ladders of the enimies that were comming vp, and with arrowes, stones and darts beat them backe, to their great losse and ouerthrow.
For oftentimes it chanceth, that latter thoughts are better aduised than the first, as the old saieng is, [Greek: Deuterai phrontides sophoterai.
The request of an honest merchant to a friend of his, to be aduised and directed in the course of killing the Whale, as followeth.
But when they came againe the next day, and viewed it likewise, the keepers of the castell suspecting some euill meaning, demanded of them what their intent was, and why they viewed and aduised so the castell.
Besides that, they aduised him to keepe the lord Strange as prisoner till the battell were ended, and then at leisure his pleasure might be accomplished.
And to be assured of him, it was reported, that those councellors aduised him to render vp into the French kings hands the towne of Calis, and all that he had else in possession, on the further side of the sea.
And for to speake of the purueiance of vitailes, it was aduised by the lord great master and his three lords, that it was time to send some ships for wheat to places thereabout, before the Turks hoste were come thither.
Then the great master or they departed (prolonging the time as much as he might) aduised to send a letter to the great Turke, the which his grandfather had written or caused to be written.
But it tooke no effect, for Rodrigo Aluarez aduised Cortes that Naruaez had made a snare to apprehend him, or to kill him at their méeting.
Wherfore they aduised the Britains to looke to their dueties, and like men to indeuour themselues to defend their countrie by their owne force from the enimies innasions.
And hauinge aduised her selfe what to doe, shee assembled the noblest and chiefeste of her Countrie, declaring vnto them in lamentable wyse what shee had alreadye done, to winne the loue of the Counte, shewinge them also what folowed thereof.
But afterward when he through other counsell brake his promise therein, he was aduised by some to giue a portion of that monie which he got at this time, to the Pope, that he might of him be absolued.
But sith winter was come vpon them, he aduised him to stay till the next spring, and so he did.
As I was then aduised by my learned Councel, in the lawes of this Land-seruice, I did not come Iust.
Hath any well-aduised friend proclaym'd Reward to him that brings the Traytor in?
I would this Musicke would come: I am aduised to giue her Musicke a mornings, they say it will penetrate.
In my schoole dayes, when I had lost one shaft I shot his fellow of the selfesame flight The selfesame way, with more aduised watch To finde the other forth, and by aduenturing both, I oft found both.
The ruthlesse Flint doth cut my tender feet, And when I start, the enuious people laugh, And bid me be aduised how I treade.
Then I warned them to bee well aduised what they meant to doe: but they foorthwith replyed, that they were fully aduised already, and that I must graunt them this request.
The rest being better aduised said that it should be farre better to build a faire ship vpon the keele of the Galiote which I had caused to be made, promising to labour couragiously therupon.
He aduised me to stand vpon as good guard as I could.
Proceeding on therefore, we came to the king of Bohemia, who being of our familiar acquaintance, aduised vs to take our iourney through Polonia and Russia.
But Sauerie de Mauleon aduised him otherwise, lest by such crueltie, the barons in any like case should be occasioned to vse the same extremitie towards such of his people, as by chance might fall into their hands.
Héerewith had the Englishmen fled immediatlie, if king Edmund aduised of this stratagem, had not quicklie got him to an high ground where his men might sée him aliue and lustie.
Whether this was true that so he spake, as one that gaue too much credit to foolish prophesies & vaine tales, or whether it was fained, as in such cases it commonlie happeneth, we leaue it to theaduised reader to iudge.
The king (as some write) vpon aduised consideration hereof had, misliked of the motion, & therevpon commanded that from thencefoorth they should not presume to studie about anie such matters.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aduised" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.