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Example sentences for "acwoss"

Lexicographically close words:
acuteness; acuter; acutest; acutis; acuto; adage; adages; adal; adamant
  1. I knew she didn't ought to go acwoss ve wiver, and I knew ve wegiment would come to me if I sent Jack home.

  2. You said you was going acwoss ve wiver," panted Wee Willie Winkie, throwing himself off his pony.

  3. I knew she didn’t ought to go acwoss ve wiver, and I knew ve wegiment would come to me if I sent Jack home.

  4. You said you was going acwoss ve wiver,” panted Wee Willie Winkie, throwing himself off his pony.

  5. I knew she did n't ought to go acwoss ve wiver, and I knew ve wegiment would come to me if I sent Jack home.

  6. I KNEW she didn't ought to go acwoss ve wiver, and I knew ve wegiment would come to me if I sent Jack home.

  7. You said you was going acwoss ve wiver,' panted Wee Willie Winkie, throwing himself off his pony.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acwoss" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.