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Example sentences for "acquited"

Lexicographically close words:
acquisitions; acquisitive; acquisitiveness; acquit; acquite; acquits; acquittal; acquittals; acquittance; acquitted
  1. A Scholemaister traiterously rendring the noble mens sonnes of Faleria to the hands of Camillus, was wel acquited and rewarded for his paines and labour.

  2. The husband agreed with the gentlewoman that she should do the pleasure which maister Ansaldo required, who hearinge the liberality of hir husband, acquited hir of hir promise, and the Necromancer discharged maister Ansaldo.

  3. The tyraunt maruaylinge at the constant frendshippe of those twaine, acquited them both, but vppon condition that both shoulde depart oute of the citie and countrie of Sicilia.

  4. The people hearing the lamentable talke of his father, and seinge in him an vnmoueable minde, able to sustaine al aduersity, acquited him rather through the admiration of his vertue and valiance, then by iustice and equity of his cause.

  5. And doubt ye not, but the meanes of writing, was vtterly debarred from Amadour, wherof Florinda acquited herself so diligently, as by her letters and epistles, he receiued great consolation and comfort.

  6. The husband agreed with the gentlewoman that she should do the pleasure which maister Ansaldo required, who hearinge the liberality of the husband, acquited hir of hir promise, and the Necromancer discharged maister Ansaldo.

  7. For the king gaue an easie eare to any man, that would appeach others for his aduantage: whereby it sometimes happened, that offenders were acquited by accusing innocents.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acquited" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.