Without delay, at the Palace of Holyroodhouse, a new Council was convened, a Council, we mean, of the abusers of the King.
Again, he opposes the "Word of Truth" to abusers of the Word of God, who misconstrue it and comment upon it according to their own fancy, and for their own honor and profit.
Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Many such doctrines of licentiousness the abusers of grace have brought forth.
And the gospel hath far sorer punishment than the law, to the abusers of grace.
Such will be found at the day of God, not among that great company of Jerusalem sinners that shall be saved by grace, but among those that have been the great abusers of the grace of God in the world.
In Ibn Jubayr’s time the Zaydi sect was allowed an Imam, though known to be schismatics and abusers of the caliphs.
Gluttony and drunkenness are such beastly devourers of mercy, and abusers of mankind, that shame and poverty are their punishment and cure.
But there is now current among exegetes the more general interpretation that these incendiaries are the revilers and abusers of the Servant within Israel: for so the Psalms speak of the slingers of burning words at the righteous.
If there had never been the party of the usurpers and abusers of power, there would have been no occasion for that of the leaguers and reformers.
Oh," he choked, "it has been taken from these yezid, these abusers of the salt!
Indeed he is one that mistakes much hisabusers for friends, and his friends for enemies, and he apprehends your hate in nothing so much as in good counsel.
Examination of the indictment shows that the charge was really implication in the crime by countenancing and seeking help from "users and abusers of witchcraft," which, as we have seen, carried with it the extreme penalty.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abusers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.