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Example sentences for "zeve"

Lexicographically close words:
zestful; zestfully; zet; zeta; zetai; zeven; zich; zick; zida; zide
  1. And zif sche have ony child, sche may zeve it to what man sche list, that hathe companyed with hire; so that no man knoweth there, whether the child be his or anotheres.

  2. And alle be it that the charboncle zeve lyght right y now, natheles at alle tymes brennethe a vesselle of cristalle fulle of bawme, for to zeven gode smelle, and odour to the emperour, and to voyden awey alle wykkede eyres and corrupciouns.

  3. For the custom is suche, that no straungere schalle come before him, but zif he zeve hym sum manere thing, aftre the olde lawe, that seythe, Nemo accedat in conspectu meo vacuus.

  4. And the lady answerde, sythe that I may not withdrawe zou fro zoure lewed corage, I schal zeve zou with outen wysschinge, and to alle hem that schulle com of you.

  5. Aftre he commanded to the princypales of the 7 lynages, that thei scholde leven and forsaken alle that thei hadden in godes and heritage; and fro thens forthe to holden hem payd, of that that be wolde zeve hem of his grace.

  6. And thei seyn, that theise bestes ben soules of worthi men, that resemblen in lyknesse of the bestes, that ben faire: and therfore thei zeve hem mete, for the love of God.

  7. And than I prayd her that sche wuld vwche save nowth to labowr azens zw in this mater tyl ze kom hom; and sche seyd nay, be her feyth, sche wuld no more days zeve [give] zw therin.

  8. Sir, all Swafham, and they be warned, wyll zeve yow here voyses.

  9. L20], I xall zeve zow acowmpts ther of, and ze xall be payyd azen of the obligacyon that my moder hathe, or ellys I xall take a swerte of my suster.

  10. Thus ze may se they zeve no fors wat they doo, thow they xwld lesse and stroy all the goodis of the dede; And ther for, for savacion of goodis of the dede, better it wer to suffer tak sum trete than to suffer the goodis thus to be lost.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "zeve" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.