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Example sentences for "yaun"

Lexicographically close words:
yata; yataghan; yataghans; yate; yatra; yave; yawed; yawing; yawl; yawls
  1. Je sus ke duh pa ne min, Che e zhe wa be ze yaun Kah' zhe noo kah de ze yun, Ke uh be noo je' we yun.

  2. Nin ge e zhah nun dush Je sus, Ke we me ne qua yaun, Ka me ne qua yaun nin je chog, Ke ah be see we se.

  3. Mien-yaun could not but perceive that the only obstacle to his union with Ching-ki-pin was now removed.

  4. But his imperial word was pledged,--and as Mien-yaun willed it, so it was.

  5. Mien-yaun seized the offender by the tail, whirled him violently to the ground, and strode haughtily back to his home, whence he could not be persuaded to stir, until after the occurrence of a very remarkable event.

  6. As they finished, a general desire to hear Mien-yaun was expressed.

  7. Like an arrow, Mien-yaun flew to the arms of Ching-ki-pin.

  8. The Antique began by informing him that Mien-yaun rich and famous, and Mien-yaun poor and in disgrace, were two very different persons.

  9. The moment they crossed the threshold, Mien-yaun and Ching-ki-pin went into a simultaneous fit.

  10. As Mien-yaun himself was afterwards accustomed to say,--after six months of ignominious obscurity, he awoke one morning and found himself famous!

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yaun" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.