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Example sentences for "worschipe"

Lexicographically close words:
worrited; worrld; worry; worrying; wors; worse; worsen; worsened; worsening; worser
  1. Here beginneth the iournall of Frier Odoricus, one of the order of the Minorites, concerning strange things which hee sawe among the Tarters of the East.

  2. And of the Worschipe that the Sone dothe to the Fader, whan he is dede.

  3. And this croune had Crist on his heved, whan he was don upon the cros: and therfore oughte men to worschipe it and holde it more worthi than ony of the othere.

  4. There Seynt James and Seynt Johne were born: and in the worschipe of hem, there is a fair chirche.

  5. And so comen folk to worschipe this ydole, sum fro an hundred myle, and summe fro many mo.

  6. And for be cause that he was so wel with God, therfore the worschipe him.

  7. And he leet make an ymage in the lyknesse of his fadre, and constreyned alle his subgettes for to worschipe it.

  8. And the mo men that a man may slee, the more worschipe he hathe amonges hem.

  9. And for that skylle, God hath zoven it more gret vertue in the world: therfore it is gode resoun, as thei seyn, to don it worschipe and reverence.

  10. And therefore whan grete lordes and knyghtes gon to seche worschipe in armes, thei beren gladly the dyamaund upon hem.

  11. Luk that ye saiff na lord, capteyne, nor knycht; “For worschipe wyrk, and for our eldris rycht.

  12. Rycht glaid he was of Wallace cumpany, Welcummyt him fayr with worschipe reuerandlye; At his awne will desyryt, gyff he walde 165 To byde thair still maistyr of his houshald; Off all his men he suld haile chyftayne be.

  13. Hyr fadyr was off worschipe and renoune, And Hew Braidfute he hecht of Lammyngtoune, As feylle othyr was in the contré calld; 590 Befor tyme thai gentill men war off ald.

  14. And so hit laste into the yeer Of Albert and of Berenger; 780 Bot thanne upon dissencioun Thei felle, and in divisioun Among hemself that were grete, So that thei loste the beyete Of worschipe and of worldes pes.

  15. Thus mai no reson wel forsake That thilke Senne original Ne was the cause in special Of mannes worschipe ate laste, Which schal withouten ende laste.

  16. Bot who that wole in his degre Travaile so as it belongeth, It happeth ofte that he fongeth Worschipe and ese bothe tuo.

  17. And why the worschipe is aweie, If that a man the sothe seie, 850 The cause hath ben divisioun, Which moder of confusioun Is wher sche cometh overal, Noght only of the temporal Bot of the spirital also.

  18. And sche ayein to him thus seide: 1550 "Florent, if I for the so schape, That thou thurgh me thi deth ascape And take worschipe of thi dede, What schal I have to my mede?

  19. Bot natheles he stant believed, And hath his pourpos ofte achieved Of worschipe and of worldes welthe, And takth it, as who seith, be stelthe Thurgh coverture of his fallas.

  20. Next after trouthe the secounde, In Policie as it is founde, Which serveth to the worldes fame In worschipe of a kinges name, Largesse it is, whos privilegge Ther mai non Avarice abregge.

  21. Bot for ther mai no mannes lif Endure upon this Erthe hiere, This worthi queene, as thou miht hiere, 4260 Er that the children were of age, Tok of hire ende the passage, With gret worschipe and was begrave.

  22. Thus hardyment, governit with wit, That he all tym wald sammyn knyt, Gert him off worschipe haf the pris, And oft our-cum his enymys.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "worschipe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.