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Example sentences for "vessells"

Lexicographically close words:
vespere; vespers; vesque; vessel; vessell; vessels; vest; vestal; vestals; vestas
  1. The crew of both our vessells made an agreement amongst themselves to oppose our dessigne of giving our shipp unto the English for their transportation.

  2. We had a role of porkepick about our heads, which was as a crowne, and two litle boyes that carryed the vessells that we had most need of; this was our dishes and our spoons.

  3. Copendall brought 2 bras vessells of quicksilver ashore out of the Hozeander.

  4. Spyed 5 Sail of Vessells Steering to the Westward.

  5. He was fitted out last Novem'r att the Avanah and went to St. Aug'ne and was on Our Coast Early in the Spring and took severall Vessells as per list herein inclosed.

  6. Brother for £540, also a List of what Vessells taken by Fransoiso Loranzo Since he first went out on his Cruize, which You may Use att pleasure Either to publish or Conceal.

  7. Boston, Salem, or Piscataqua; and that all shipps and vessells trading to the eastward of Cape Porpus shall enter at some of the aforesaid Ports, or at the town of Falmouth in the Prov.

  8. Vessells may ride here very safe; there is a path or way downe to the warf, which is but small, and on which is a large Ware House where they land their fish, etc.

  9. Three Miles beyond Rowley lyeth Ipswich at the head of Agawame River, as farr up as Vessells cane come.

  10. MY DEAR SIR, - Several Vessells have lately arrivd from London, but I have not had the pleasure of a Line from you by either of them.

  11. By our last Vessells from London we have an Account of the Choice of Mr Nash for the Lord Mayor, & that he was brot in by ministerial Influence.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vessells" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.