Originally known from the place where the majority was found as vasi di Egnazia or Gnathia vases, they were in the view of Lenormant more probably made at Tarentum.
Footnote 254: Those who are curious in such matters may be grateful for a bibliography of the controversy: Lanzi, Dei Vasi antichi dipinti; Winckelmann, Hist.
From a painting in the Grotta deiVasi dipinti--Corneto.
These we may perhaps identify with the vasi di vedro seen among the treasures of this chapel a few years later by the Venetian ambassador (Andrea Navagero, Viaggio in Spagna et in Francia).
He is stated, however, to have been a master of the art of making vasi a reticelli and a ritorti of both white and coloured glass.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vasi" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.