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Example sentences for "usband"

Lexicographically close words:
usaige; usan; usance; usar; usayn; usbands; use; used; useful; usefull
  1. Fond of hall dumb hanimals, my 'usband is.

  2. My 'usband dug his grave wi' his own hands, close beside the hut, and buried him next day.

  3. Yes, sir, it were a strange thing that when my 'usband come to die his mind seemed to hang on his whistle more'n a'most anything else.

  4. Once my 'usband asked him if he'd let him tell the doctor, and Shepherd Toller a'most went out o' his mind with fright.

  5. Well, my 'usband gave him brandy and managed to lift him on to the bed.

  6. I nearly dropped on the floor, and I knew from that minute that my 'usband was going to die.

  7. He knowed a wonderful lot about the stars, my 'usband did.

  8. I wanted him to tell the doctor as he'd found him; but you might as well ha' tried to turn the church round as move my 'usband when once he'd made up his mind.

  9. And he mostly knowed what he were doin', my 'usband did.

  10. When my 'usband got to the hut the first thing he sees were Shepherd Toller lyin' all of a heap on the floor wi' his clothes half burnt off him and his left arm lyin' right on the top o' where the fire had been.

  11. You see, sir, my 'usband was never what you might call a religious man.

  12. Shepherd Toller took to his bed the very day as my 'usband met him, and never left it, leastways he never went outside the hut again.

  13. And what did my ’usband say to you, Mrs. Railing?

  14. I always used to call my ’usband the captain, although he was only first mate.

  15. I wonder you don't send for your 'usband to go for me.

  16. My 'usband built the mansion this way on purpose,' said Mrs Clay, in her nervousness dropping the h's more than usual.

  17. I won't sit 'ere an' 'ave my 'usband insulted like that.

  18. I don't know who you are, but I s'pose my 'usband does.

  19. One life--one country--one 'usband is not enough.

  20. I say my 'usband ver' jealous, but that I fix it some'ow.

  21. Illustration: "The way she answered her 'usband was a pleasure to every married man in the bar.

  22. She looked from her 'usband to Charlie and Bob and then back at 'im agin and caught 'er breath.

  23. My friend's 'usband ses 'e's never come across any one who can cook a steak like I can.

  24. My 'usband 'll be drowned before my e'en.

  25. She's a widder lady with a nice little 'ouse at Bow, and plenty to live on-her 'usband having been a builder.

  26. She told me her 'usband died ten years ago; she's deceived me as well as you.

  27. Four years ago my 'usband died, and then my boy was killed in the war.

  28. If my poor 'usband was but alive, I shouldn't be wanting now!

  29. Why, my first 'usband never touched a drop.

  30. Liza 'as all the pleasures of a 'usband an' none of the trouble.

  31. My 'usband used ter take me to the play before we was married, but I never see any play equal ter wot 'appens in this street, if yer only keeps yer eyes open.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "usband" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.