With becoming thrift, however, the unissued remainder of the two discarded values was surcharged "1c.
The surcharge was, at first, applied only to the 3c stamps of the numeral type but it was soon decided to also use up the unissued remainders of the 3c "maple-leaf" design by surcharging them in the same manner.
Unsubscribed or unissued stock is in no sense an asset; or as one writer puts it, no more an asset than the power of a person to issue notes is an asset.
And it is, of course, this habit of regarding unissued notes as a banking asset in the shape of till money that accounts for the low reserve of actual cash that the Scotch banks show.
It is the unissued notes in the tills of the branch offices, forming the till money at more than a thousand branches, wherein the real value lies.
Mr. Blyth points out that these unissued notes are "not a reserve but till money," but the distinction between till money and reserve is one upon which it is possible to lay too much stress.
At the same time, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that a serious danger lurks in a system which regards a banker's unissued promise to pay in the light of a banking asset.
Unissued Federal Reserve notes are carried at cost on the books of the bank, and at the end of each month the amount of notes issued to the bank during the month is charged off at cost.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unissued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.