Nor is their Folly small, who much depend On Transitorie things, as if their Powre Could bring to passe what should not have an End; Or compasse that, which Time will not devoure.
For they be maimed and out of the palace of fame disgraded, dieng without renowme, which doo not as much prefer and exalt the perpetuall honour of their natiue countrie, as their owne mortall and transitorie life.
Vpon whom do wayte (as meete it is) inferiour persones, eche one vouchsafing to tell what hee was, in the transitorie trade of present life.
The thirde tyme shal ginne whan transitorie thinges of worldes han mad their ende; and that shal ben in Joye, glorie, and rest, both body and soule, that wel han deserved in the tyme of Grace.
The seconde tyme lasteth from the comming of merciable grace until the ende 10 of transitorie tyme, in whiche is shewed the true way in fordoinge of the badde; and that is y-cleped tyme of Grace.
And certes, in the lyf of this day, ye ne liven no more but right as in the moevable and transitorie moment.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "transitorie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.