And then bespake a lady faire, Mary a Douglas was her name: You shall byde here, good English lord, 55 My brother is a traiterous man.
Florida after their traiterous slaughter of John Ribault; which Gourgues slewe, and hanged upp divers of them on the same trees whereon the yere before they had hanged the Frenche.
If pricking through these Desarts, I do hear Of any traiterous Knight who through his guile, Hath light upon your Casket and your Purse, I will despoil him of them and restore them.
The simple yong man giuing faith to the words of his vncle that was honoured as a king (thinking perhaps that it proceeded by the perswasion of the Duchesse) followed his commaundement, and obeied whollie his traiterous and abhominable hest.
Lord, curse Edom's traiterous kinde, Beare in minde In our ruines how they revell'd.
So guileless nymphs attract some traiterous eye, So by the spoiler crushed, reject all joy and die.
But I little regarded my imprisonment, considering that I was happily delivered from the hands of the traiterous Cooke.
False traiterous Scot, I come for to reuenge 2410 My daughters death: I come to spoyle thy wealth, Since thou hast spoyld me of my marriage ioy.
Who sees, and shunne not harmes, deserue the same: Beholde the tenor of thistraiterous plot.
There all the traiterousmen were slaine Not one escapte away; And there dyed all my vallyant knightes.
The traiterous bank' I take to be equivalent to 'the weak or treacherous spot in its bank'.
Yet if her often gnawing kisses winne The traiterous banke to gape, and let her in.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "traiterous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.