Farther on, between the towns of La Piedra and Muitaco, or Real Corona, are the Torno and Boca del Infierno, two points formerly dreaded by travellers.
The only falls of water in this space are those of Torno or Camiseta, Marimara, and Cariven or Carichana Vieja.
They at first vanquished their enemies near the mouth of the Rio Caura; and a great number of Caribs perished in a precipitate flight, between the rapids of Torno and the Isla del Infierno.
Both the Castle of Bellagio and the town of Torno surrendered to His Reverence, who pushed on with his troops to Como, where he met Monsignore Sanseverino arriving from the Valtellina, and the two cardinals together did the rest.
The steamer had already started for Bellagio, and was far away near the point where Torno nestles around its sheltered harbour.
Along the lake, past the old home of La Taglioni, past the Villa Pasta with its long garden, past little Torno with its great round oleanders and its houses crowding to the shore, the boatman sang.
The boat rounded the point of Torno and came at once into a lonelier region of the lake.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "torno" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.