And the second Ondo-tori is relieved by a third; yet I would like to watch that dance for ever.
Take Tori took his axe and cut down the great big green bamboo, and there was a fine shining green jewel, the size of his two fists.
Take Tori called her the Lady Beaming Bright, because she had come out of the shining jewel.
Take Tori rose early upon a summer morning, and went forth to cut bamboos as was his wont, for he sold them for a fair price in the town, and thus he gained his humble living.
Her maidens were with her, and Take Tori and the good wife, and the Mikado, her brave lover.
Take Tori had the gold pieces out of the jewel every day.
Take Tori and the dear good wife are my true lovers," she said; "I will live with them and be their daughter.
The artists of the Tosa school used a paper various kinds called torino ko, into the composition of which egg-shells entered.
The Kano artists used both tori no ko and a paper made from the mulberry plant, also a product of Ichi Zen, and known as hosho.
Anterior thoracic segments darkly pigmented both above and below, and also along both sides of tori, and most setigerous papillae and tori of succeeding regions of body also surrounded in some degree with a pigmented area.
Anterior somites of thorax darkened above, down the sides on both sides of the tori and also more or less ventrally with purplish brown pigment.
These masses probably become in the adult the more conspicuous prominences of the floor of the ventricles of the optic lobes, which we regard as homologous with the tori semicirculares of the brain of the Teleostei.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tori" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.