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Example sentences for "todes"

Lexicographically close words:
toddler; toddlers; toddling; toddy; toder; todo; todos; toe; toed; toeing
  1. I reckon the last disasters thar hev interrupted the company so ez they hain't got much heart todes diggin' fur silver agin over in Tanglefoot Cove.

  2. Brer Wolf keep on gwine todes 'im, en bimeby w'en he git sorter close de creetur tuck 'n sot up on his behime legs des like you see squir'ls do.

  3. Wid dat, Brer Wolf march todes de creetur des like he gwine ter squ'sh 'im in de groun'.

  4. Brer Rabbit, he git crossways de road, he did, en he sorter sidle todes um.

  5. One time Brer Fox wuz gwine on down de big road, en he look ahead en he see ole Brer Tarrypin makin' he way on todes home.

  6. Ole Brer B'ar, he stop en look, but Brer Rabbit, he keep on sidlin' todes um.

  7. Bimeby, 'long todes night, Brer Rabbit 'low he better be gwine.

  8. I say: ‘Some folks on horses that come from todes Fa’teville, and stopped all night down in dem woods yonder.

  9. Well, Mr. Smith, less knock along todes home; its mos’ your breakfus time.

  10. He being further demaunded to what end y{e} Spirits, in the likenes of Todes and the pictures of man or woman made in wax or clay, doo serue?

  11. Of co'se we was even a little tenderer todes her, after that, than we had been befo'.

  12. If she tells you a thing's black, why you may know it don't lean todes brown or gray.

  13. He ain't got no moustache whut you kin look at--dess some blackish whut don' reach out mo'n halfway todes the bofe ends of his mouf.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "todes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.